Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12/29/09 Municpal Code Violations

*Walks in and lies down*
Hi Mr. Blog. You would not believe the party I went to last night! It was at a Roosevelt High School pal's house and she lives in Windemere on the bluff over the lake. It is the most beautiful house in the world and Pam was such a charming hostess. About 20 Roughriders showed up.
So the mail came early at noon and I got so excited by this thick priority mail envelope.
But guess what it was?
*Stares at Mr. Blog*
Okay, I'll tell you. It was a twenty page long letter from Angelo Bonomi, the City of Kenmore Compliance officer. We are old friends going back two summers ago when our pool deck was two inches above the level needing a permit and he was really mean to me and made me cry.
I had to make a building plan, then a site plan and both took three tries to get it right.
I was at City Hall and I finally gave up and asked him what would happen if I did nothing
and he gave me a mean look and pointed up at the giant red STOP WORK sign behind him.
It was so horrible and finally Terry took over and finished the compliance work for me.
Anyway, Angelo came out and saw my giant NIXPIX sign
and wrote me up for that and
investigated NIXPIX and wrote me up for not having a city of Kenmore Permit.
I have a state license, which I thought for an online business was enough.
So I'll muddle through the ten pages of city codes and fill out pages of forms
and drag Terry to the bank to get everything notarized.
My sign has to come down January 30th and I'm so sad!
I worked really heard on that sign too!
Oh well, at least the letter had a high quality photo of the sign I can frame for the memories.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

12/27/09 The Kiss

*Bounces in and lies down*
Good morning Mr. Blog! Don't you just love this sun today?!
It is so pretty and the days are finally getting longer.
Guess what? I slept great. You can probably tell.
I do my heaviest sleeping between 3-7am and usually Terry gets up at 4:30am
and clomps around like an elephant and wakes me up so I'm cranky all morning.
But not today! I slept great right up until seven and I feel like a million bucks!
So I'm in the kitchen getting coffee and Terry walks right up to me and leans over and
Now how good is that?!
For twenty four years now I have been the one to walk up to him for a kiss
and out of the blue he strides right over like Edward Cullen and plants one on me!
What a great husband!
I am so inspired to work harder on my business now so I can earn the money
to pay off our house.
That way when Terry wakes up he can have the option of going to work or not.
When I was at Woodbadge leadership training with 2007 it was like fifty men and five women.
In my patrol, David, Kevin and Brent were all Eagle Scouts and very competitive.
But the general knowledge I learned from hanging out with them for a week
was that they all feel the pressure to take care of their families.
That was something I had never been exposed to.
The weight of taking care of a family.
So anyway, my personal goal now is to get my business blazing away with sales
and lift that wieght off my husband's shoulders
because he gave me a nice little kiss.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

12/23/09 The Garage Sale

*Walks in and lies down*
Hi Mr. Blog. Are you ready for Christmas?
I am. We have up our fresh tree and garland in the picture window.
I woke up yesterday thinking I should have a garage sale.
Took me four hours to get up my garden canopy and get it all decorated with Christmas lights.
It is so cute! You'll have to stop by. I put it in the driveway up on the road.
I ran a 50foot orange extension cord out the bathroom window
for power and so I have lights and a hot water pot and a radio!
I put my best reindeer tablecloth over my folding banquet table and my best china
with hot cocoa and tea and cider packets. It looks so festive, especially at night!
I hope you'll stop by. Patty stopped by this morning and brought me a cute sweater
and a Starbucks latte! Wow! She has turned out to be the best friend in the world.
I can't believe I've known her since 1966, forty-eight years now. Since Bryant grade school.
She bought a driving game for her one son that isn't driving yet. I forget which one.
I have high hopes for last minutes sales tomorrow on Christmas eve.
I have to dash to the store for a few things to go with the ham and I hope to
start work at noon.
Yesterday I did all my Christmas cards while waiting for customers.
Only one person besides Patty stopped by.
A nice new senior neighbor named Claire. She was going for a walk on the trail.
Oh, and my sister Pam stopped by later and said it looked like a little circus!
Hahahaha. My life with Terry and Troy and Teddy IS a circus.
Those teens are darn cute and funny and always doing silly stuff.
I'll miss them when they move out.
Pam wanted to buy a NIXPIX t-shirt but I only had them up for display
because you have to buy them from the website.
I was pretty excited since I got her one for Christmas and she doesn't know it.
My neighbor Darcy drove past in her cool truck and yelled out the window,
"What the hell are you doing?!"
She is such a card.
I told her I was having a garage sale and she said you are supposed to have them in summer like she does in August. She said it was thirty degrees out and no one would stop in the freezing
weather. Well, Patty and Claire and sissy stopped so it was worth freezing to death all day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

12/18/09 Coolest Sign In Kenmore Washington

*Bounces in full of excitement and sits in the chair*
Oh Mr. Bl-og! You'll never guess what is up my trees fourteen feet in front of my ho-use!
Yep, we did it! My brother-in-law Seth came at noon and he is so delightful. Anyway, he let me drop off my hairdresser, Janet Ferris's $20.00 Christmas bonus and mail the package to the guy that ordered a game
from a place called Beerchurch.com. They have a great website.
So we got to Lake City Motorsports and Tom and Aime were there and gave me a hunk of display metal stuff to hang my t-shirts on. When Seth and I were leaving I saw a motorcycle
that I am going to buy! I don't care what Terry says! I've had a great life and
if I get killed I'll go out styling on that thing. It is called, "Rebel" and I want want want that
motorcycle more than anything!
We got back and Seth whipped out a giant machete from his truck and went up the ladder
and whacked off all the branches up to fourteen feet for me.
Then we both went up ladders and nailed up the sign fourteen feet up the trees!
We walked up on the bike trail and it is easily visible from the highway and
Kenmore Starbucks.
Tomorrow after Toady's basketball game I'll be working at my tree store all day!
I'm taking my 3x6' table out and my best Christmas tablecloth
and Seth suggest Christmas lights! So I'll put those on and my hotplate I use
at cheap motels to make hot cider and I'll drag out my chairs and free candy bowl.
It is going to be so fun! I can hardly wait!
Nothing like a mid-winter garage sale for fun!
You should stop by Mr. Blog!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

12/17/09 Business Shut Down

*Walks in and lies down for short rest*
Hi Mr. Blog. I got the Christmas tree up and our new kittens just love climbing it!
Troy let me store the game parts in his closet, thank God.
So yesterday, Terry comes home all sore and tired and cranky from delivering
all the Christmas mail
and tells me I have to close down my little business
because I'm not making money to help with the bills.
*Gets up and paces*
I'm not going to. For crying out loud Mr. Blog! We all have perfect health!
Look at all the health problems everyone we know has!
*Lies back down*
So I decided to make my own retail outlet in front of our house.
You've seen where we live right on the highway Mr. Blog!
I went to Plywood Supply and got a bunch of 4x8' cardboard pieces and
two were plain white so I used my automotive adhesive to glue them together last night.
I had to work in my bedroom because the kittens get in everything!
I cut them into the shape of a 4x6' skateboard and I
just finished spray painting them yellow.
Now I'm really dizzy from the fumes
but when my head clears I'm going to go to Mabel's and see if I can have more of her old
yardsticks she doesn't use for the nixpix letters.
I'm going to spray paint them black and saw them up make the letters.
I think it will look cool and 3-D.
I have an electric handsaw so I need to hustle up and get the painting done.
I don't want to use power tools dizzy.
I am worried about going up the ladder and sawing the limbs
off the trees. I'm just not very coordinated.
Nailing the sign up will be a problem too because I
want it to be visible from the Starbucks across the street.
I was going to have a banner made and have the fire department
tie it to my tree but I can't afford a banner.
Mr. Blog, I don't want to give up my business!
I love designing games to help people learn or have fun or both.
It makes me feel valuable.
I mean not everyone can afford $500.00 for driving school for their kids!
My game is $25.00 and the kids can play enough to get a permit
and at least help with the family driving.
You still need drivers ed class to get a license under 18 but guess what?!
A friend of Troy's took driver's ed but didn't pass the knowledge test.
So I'm not giving up.
I just have to cook more
and listen to boring post office stories for hours and hours and hours on end.
And tickle Terry's feet. I have been doing that every night
for twenty-two years now.
He did find out about the home equity loan that I was never going to tell him about.
He was home when the 500 games got delivered and got all nosy on me.
I tried to sell my van to cover the print costs and forgot his name is on the title too.
I paid for it myself but figured if I dropped dead it would be easier for him with his name on it.
Oh, cheery news too Mr. Blog.
I took Mabel for our annual Christmas shopping trip yesterday
to Lake City Fred Meyers.
We found almost everything on Mike's list and he'll be so happy.
I love Mabel and pretend she is my mom.
Mom's been gone four years now and Lyle seven.
So after we shopped she wanted to take me out to lunch
so we went to Flo Anna's and had THE BEST lunch.
We drank coffee and she had a hamburger and I had a Rueben, which is my favorite!
She said something that upset me when we were leaving Fred Meyers Mr. Blog.
She looked at me and said, "This is my last Christmas."
I told her to forget about that idea.
I know she is eighty-nine but I can't bear the thought of losing her.
We love to hang out and talk and drink sodas.
I love hearing all the stories of her growing up on the farm in Minnesota and
walking two miles to school in the snow.
I like hearing about how Arky built her house for her sixty years ago
and her job at Boeing and later John Fluke.
I love her stories about how the train used to run in front of our houses to the
shingle mill on the lake where the bike trail is now.
It was mostly farms on our road with cows and horses and I do remember the giant
white barn that they tore down to build Trail Walk condominiums.
So, I love owning my business so I can be available for Mabel.
It's good to have a flexible schedule
and I can make more money later.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12/15/09 Meltdown Avoidance

*runs in and sits in wingback chair*
Hi Mr. Blog! I refuse to meltdown over Christmas!
Yikes! I have some challenges!
I have game parts stacked to the ceiling where the Christmas tree goes
and we have a very small house with no other spot for it.
The new orange kittens Earl and Winston just ran over the plywood I spray painted and that can't be good for them! I put the wood in Teddy's room so the paint can dry.
The first two small games got stolen from the Kenmore Starbucks entertainment center
in one week so I had taken the huge one mounted on cardboard and they took that too!
When the paint dries I'm using automotive adhesive to mount the bigger game to plywood!
I have a million things to do including shipping my Christmas orders!
Now I know why men run most businesses. I have a cranky mailman husband and two rowdy teenagers to take care of and they are my priority!
So, I'm going to do my daily Jane Fonda exercise and start storing game parts
Can you pray for me Mr. Blog?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

12/12/09 Woodinville High School

*skips in and flops on couch* Oh! Mr. Blog.
I think I turned a corner today. It was a very wild week.
On Wednesday Margo Thorning came over and we went to tea at the Chateau in Bothell.
I stopped on the way and dropped off the world's biggest bluckberry cobbler
at Allegra printers in Bothell on the way. They did such an amazing job on my game.
So we found Riel and went to see my old Junior Classical League pal, Ann Wendell,
give a book reading on her new book on the history of Frederick and Nelsons.
She also wrote a book on the history of the Ravenna neighborhood I want to buy because it has
pictures of Bryant and Eckstein and Roosevelt High school when they were all new!
She was so warm friendly and signed the books we bought
and even let us take our picture with her and Santa Claus.
He talk was brilliant and the waiters and waitresses brought
loads of fancy tiny sandwiches and tarts.
Then they had a Frederick and Nelson fashion show of vintage clothing.
It was awesome and Riel and Margo were such a hoot!
We had a blast and Margo won the doorprize!
A copy of Ann's book on the history of Ravenna.
On Thursday we all went to Terry's uncle's funeral and it was so sad I don't want to talk about it yet. Way too distressing to think about my cherished mother-in-law losing her only brother.
So I subbed up at Frank Love in the Resource Room yesterday and loved seeing
Penny and the kids. I have subbed for her for four years so I know the kids
really well and I'm very attached to them.
Only snag was I had my RHS Christmas shindig last night too and I was pretty tired.
I lived near University Village from 1966 when I was ten to 1975 and I didn't even
recognize it. It is totally yuppified now and the Christmas lights were beautiful.
It was fun to hang out with Riel, Margo, Mimi, Barb, Bonnie and George and Forrest.
We went to the Ram and the food was fantastic. It was a great visit!
Today I worked at the Woodinville arts and crafts fair selling my game and it was so fun!
I had great vendor neighbors, Laura, who is a painter and Janet who is a Tupperware seller.
We just laughed and chatted all day long and I sold seven games.
The teens there were so nice! A teacher there asked me to sub for her so that was nice.
I got tons of vendor tips from everyone there and wrote them all down.
I like working at the fairs and look forward to getting Gin Latin printed to take around.
It is kinda embarrassing to only have one product and everyone else has racks and racks
of different stuff. I look forward to vending with these women for years and years to come!

Monday, December 7, 2009

12/7/-09 Bainbridge Island Christmas in the Country

*Bounces in and lies on her couch*
Hi Mr. Blog! Guess what? I'm alive! Hahahaha. You probably guessed that already right?
Well this is one of those long rambling stories so do you mind laying down on your couch?
*Waits until he lies down on his back with his glasses on and notepad ready*
So. By the time I got fifty games assembled it was 10:30 on Saturday. It was only twenty degrees so I was slipping down mummy's wheelchair ramp with my first dufflebag and nearly fell.
So I go get some hot water and pour it on the wood and take the next duffle down.
By the time I get it in my van the water froze and I had to start all over!
Took me and hour to get the van loaded!
But guess what? I get to the Edmonds ferry dock and it is loading so I drove right on at 11:30!
I didn't go upstairs on the ferry 'cause without Terry and the kids it wasn't the same.
I had mapquested and memorized my route and it was so easy!
It was a brilliant sunny day and the water was sparkling
and the mountains were gleaming with new snow! It was breathtaking.
So I drove up until I saw Miller Road and it is the first main road running North South.
I took at left at the giant trolls and went south on a road I had never been on and
ended up going through Suquamish Indian reservation.
I kept going until I found highway 305 and there was a giant casino
at the intersection called Clearwater! I think I saw ads for it on TV!
I even think that is the one that Bren's mom, Carol goes to!
So I hung a Louie at the casino and went across Agate Pass bridge and I
swear to God it was one of the prettiest places I have EVER seen.
Funny that I was born here in Washington and didn't know you could
drive to Bainbridge Island from way up North here. Hahaha!
I saw Day road and hung another left and Valley Road and turned right
and then saw the sign for County Christmas with a big arrow.
I went through a town called Rolling Bay which was charming.
It had a Post Office, store and feed store.
I saw the Island Music Center and dashed in and met Sue Anderson and Dave and they
showed me my spot.
I was upstairs in a music lesson studio room that was about 10'x10' and directly above
the stage! It was awesome because they had all kinds of piano, strings and brass
music of all kinds from jazz to Christmas to folk all day both days.
I dragged in my duffles and tables and started selling at one
and sold four games. Two to parents for teens, one to a babyboomer wanting
something different for his dad who is a driving school teacher in Idaho
and one to a teenage girl for her teenage boyfriend that is afraid to take the test.
A nice young couple on vacation from California came in with their four year old son
and told me how sad they were that they couldn't take their son on the pony ride.
They walked on the ferry and were taking the Christmas in the Country shuttle but
it didn't go to the farm stop. I just handed that lady the keys to my van and you should have seen her jaw drop open. It was too funny! I said, "Take my van!" So her husband came
in and you should have seen his jaw drop open too. It was so hard not to laugh!
They came back a few hours later and showed me the pictures of the
little boy on the pony and they were DARN CUTE PICTURES!
The lady said they'd buy a game but it is only for Washington so I told her not to.
I gave them a free Nixpix refrigerator magnet and told them they could
get the little boy a t-shirt when they got back to LA if they wanted to.
Since Nic and Kathy had never met me and were letting me stay one
night at their house I figured loaning out my van to strangers was almost comparable.
I had really nice vendor neighbors and Karena was so young (twenties) and adorable.
Shoot, I should have taken a picture of her and her mom Carol who is also a
substitute teacher over there on the Kitsap Peninsula. Oh well.
Karena made and sold baby clothes and they were so cute I couldn't stand it.
Jo was down the hall and so young and tall and blond and willowy I couldn't figure out
why she wasn't in Hollywood making movies.
Well, I've seen zillions of photographs in my lifetime but
her work was something else!!! She traveled all over and went down
back alleys to get the gritty pictures of Thailand and New Zealand etc.
Now I used to work the flights to New Zealand out of Honolulu
but Continental put us in a fancy hotel downtown in a really
nice area so I never saw the cool looking side of real life down there
but Jo captured it in a way that was just plain AWESOME.
So Karena told me near closing time to just stay on Sportsman's Road and cross the highway
and that was a great tip. I pulled over once to verify the distance to Eagle Bay Drive.
Once I go to Eagle Bay drive, I was darn happy I carried mail for ten years
through rain, sleet and snow and DARK. Good training for this new career.
The road was tiny, winding and PITCH BLACK.
I just went really slow and pulled over when anyone came up behind me
and "Followed My Mail" as we used to say by watching the addresses get smaller
and remembering East is even house numbers and West is odd. 'Course the road was N/S!
I came to a spot with six mailboxes and six pitch-black long treed unmarked driveways and sat there intergrating my location skills with my intuition for a few minutes.
I drove down a half mile to a house with lit shed and cars and a van getting ready to pull out.
I jumped out and the older man rolled down his window and I said,
"I'm looking for Nic and Kathy"
Just as I said it I heard Kathy yell, "Gretchen! Gretchen!"
She was standing down at the house and invited me to go to dinner with them
but I had already eaten so I went in to rest.
They had two of the biggest cats in the world, one was black and aloof but
the giant orange one sat on my lap and purred. until I dozed off in an armchair.
When Kathy and Nic returned, he made a fire and we chatted and chatted.
I had never met them before but they volunteered to take in an out-of-town crafter.
Kathy teaches second grade so I was in teacher talk heaven and
Nic is the captain of the scout-own Oydessey sixty foot sailboat!
I told him I'd wanted to go with my scouts on it for years
but it was too expensive and you'll never guess what he said!
"If you like to cook you can come for free for any seven day trip this summer!"
Well, I am so going to do that because s
How's that for a strange turn of events?
We blabbed till ten and went to bed and I slept great and woke up itching to sight-see.
I chatted with Kathy a few minutes and was off to find Kay Bainbridge State Park.
It was lovely and I realized when I was a kid there was a huge Catholic family kitty-corner
to us on 27th NE and 60th in Seattle called the Pierces that we were pals with.
The twins, Janet and Joan invited us to their summer house right next to this park when I
was ten and we took a tiny dinghy out and nearly got drowned by ferry waves!
That summer they took us out strawberry picking there too. 1966 Great summer!
So I took a picture and drove to Rolling Bay and got a cup of coffee and went to work.
I was walking back from parking my van when this gorgeous young lady shouted,
"Hey you!" You'll NEVER guess who it was!!!
*Waits to see if Mr. Blog tries to guess and sees he is sound asleep and snoring softly*
It was my half sister Heidi! She said she would come but I thought since
she works full time and Greg just had his operation three weeks ago that she wouldn't have time. WELL SHE MADE TIME! She grew up on Bainbridge Island and showed me
all her old hang outs and told me how they used to steal the driver's ed cars and
go joy riding all over the island. I just laughed and laughed 'cause I was such a JD too!
She came to my sales room and brought me all kinds of snacks and soups and sandwiches.
We had a great old time and she loved my salespitch.
I had Karena take a picture of us 'cause I am totally gaga over my little sister!!!
I only sold one game so I didn't even break even but you know what?
I don't care. Terry found out about the loan I took out
and he didn't divorce me
and I have another ten years of good health to work on my business
and my kids are in perfect health
and that's all that matters.
I'm not even going to worry about the fact that I screwed up on the printing of this edition.
The top game board was supposed to be laminated on both sides so the flaps snapped back
down in a snappy, exciting fashion.
I called Jeff first thing this morning to have the next 400 laminated on both sides
but it was too late.
Oh well. It was the best I could do.
This is the last of the Washington state games
and when we do the USA one that replaces it and is good
for the other forty-nine states, I'll get it right.
Then I can blast out my magnus opus, Gin Latin!
*Gets up and puts a blanket over Mr. Blog and tip toes out.*

Saturday, December 5, 2009

12/5/09 In Case I Don't Make It Back

*Rings phone*
Hi Mr. Blog. I got a partial order of 100 games yesterday at 4:00PM. I assembled until one am, got up at 4:30 and now I'm off to the Bainbridge Island Christmas in the Country Craft Fair.
I'm half asleep and it was 20F last night so the roads are icy. If I don't get invited to sleep over at the nice teacher's house two nights I have to drive back in the dark and I'm night blind to drive.
So if I don't make it, please tell my husband and kids they were the lights of my life.
Tell my pals Bren and JP thanks for keeping me alive
and all my other friends and relatives that I loved them all.
This business gave me a reason to live and I loved every second of it!
byers dude.

Friday, December 4, 2009

12/4/09 The Great Kitten Mix-Up

*Walks in quickly and cheerfully and sits down*
Whew Mr. Blog! Under the wire again! Two times this month but I can't tell you about the other time for a year or two because the walls have ears.
So my 90 year old neighbor Mabel has a son Mike that lives in Everett.
When her cat had another batch of ten kittens I was running all around finding homes for them.
Our road is covered with orange kittens! If you like orange cats drive down my road, slowly.
So Mike goes to Hawaii and brings Scooter and orange to be cat-sat by Mabel.
Right after he leaves Troy's friend Ariana's dad gets laid off so she brings us
orange Winston to cat-sit until her dad get's rehired.
She also takes a black-orange tabby back to Mabel's as a return.
Well, Mabel calls me that she is tripping over her two cats and three kittens.
So I don't know about Ariana's kitten and I go over and tell Mabel I'll look for a home for it.
She says, "Don't get them mixed up! Mike's has the orange patch on her face."
So Teddy's orange kitten Earl is sick and I put a post on Facebook down the hall.
Connie's friend Gretchen brings medicine for Earl to my house.
I tell her about Mabel and the kitten problem and we go look at them.
She loves what she thinks is Ariana's returned kitten and it turns out
to be Mike's kitten Scooter but I don't know it!
I ask Mabel three times if we have the right kitten to give
away and she says yes, but makes Gretchen promise to exchange it if she
is wrong and Gretchen agrees to that.
Gretchen comes back the next day and we give it flea medicine and worming medicine and
she takes it home.
Two weeks later Mike gets back from Hawaii and finds out I gave away HIS kitten.
So I talk Gretchen into returning it.
Then her little son is crying all night so she decides she has to keep it
despite promising Mabel to return it and switch two weeks previously!
Yikes Mr. Blog! I call Mabel and she says, "Don't worry. We all have pretty good health and
we aren't dead yet."
So I call Mike and felt like while he was on vacation I helped someone cat-nap his kitten but
you know what?
He forgave me. It was horrible because he told me if he'd known another matching kitten was coming while he was gone he would have put a collar on Scooter.
That made me cry. This was the worst thing I have ever done because
it involved a small innocent creature.
So Gretchen and her little son love Scooter only now she is Cabella.
Mike is coming over Sunday for his orange kitten and I don't know if he will take
the black tabby with orange splotch face or not.
Earl and Winston are my biggest joy right now despite
the fact they have shredded my entire house from end to end
and gone pee pee on 100 packages for my game that I had to throw out.
But I got two more rolling duffles at Costco yesterday
so I can hide everything from the double-trouble orange kittens.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12/2/09 Cute Zazzle t-shirts

*Walks in and lies down*
Well, no games yet. Again.
But, on the bright side Steve has five t-shirts up at our Zazzle.com store.
I love the Cute Little Doggy one that Teddy designed when he was in 5th grade.
He used to make home made soda and the doggy was on his label.
So when I wanted a Nixpix spokes-animal I asked if I could use his
Cute Little Doggy and he said yes.
What cutes me out is how you can click all products
then baby and see the cutest baby in the world
wearing the Cute Little Doggy Fangerous shirt.
We tried running a Youtube contest which flopped
and Steve had a typo that said "No sex, violence or fangerous stunts
instead of dangerous stunts.
I thought it was funny so I asked him to add
fangs to Teddy's design and call it fangerous.

12/2/09 ACK Game Delays

*Runs in and sits in chair*
Good morning Mr. Blog. I am in a terrible state. Jeff e-mailed me that he does not think the games will be ready this week! ACK! I already paid $100.00 to get into the Bainbridge Fair and it is non-refundable. Yesterday I got the bag toppers and thank you note/driving tips printed and picked up the world's biggest rolling tote at Costco to drag games to fair. I think it might fit all 500! If I don't get games to sell, I can smuggle people onto planes in it for cash.
So there is only one fair at Woodinville High school December 12th and my retail season to
sell in person is over.
I just don't know what I'm going to do. I owe vendors near $5,000.00 and need to sell!!!
I think my half-sister Heidi is coming Saturday to help me out.
I found out about her when my real dad, Jim Lehde died last summer.
He was married ten times and had lotsa extra curricular activity too.
He was so charming when he was sober!
Every five years I'll get a card from a new half brother or sister
that I didn't know about from all over
Washington and Oregon.
Heidi looks like my twin and is about five years younger than me
and the most delightful person I ever met!
Off to work!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

11/25/09 New Moon Critique, Biz Stuff

*Dances in merrily and sits in chair*
Oh my goodness Mr. Blog! First the Fair Chair for Christmas in the Country on Bainbridge Island found a nice couple to take me in next week-end and I got so excited to meet them and go on a big adventure. But then I came home from the movie and Jeff at Allegra said there was a lamination delivery set-back and I might not have ANY games next week! I was ripping my hair out when Steve-O sent me an mail to Google Zazzle and put in,"Speed Kills" and there was my first tee-shirt! He had made me my own real edgy-looking online Zazzle Nixpix store!
He is so awesome. That cheered me considerably and inspired me to hunt down more
sales venues. I jumped out of bed just now and found TWO in Edmonds in May and June.
So I was checking on my homies that are down the hall at the Facebook Place.
It looks just like 3rd Place Books to me
and I rove around the tables visiting with everyone and watching them up on the stage
as they sing, read, display art, tell stories and do stand up comedy.
I'm too shy to get up on the stage yet
but I'm really good at cheering everyone on and clapping and whistling.
So I was sitting with Mimi and telling her about New Moon
and she said I should get up on the stage and tell everyone
but I was too shy so I told her I'd put my viewpoint in a blog.
You might want to lie down Mr. Blog 'cause it it pretty long.
*Watches Mr. Blog lie down on couch, clears throat and starts reading New Moon critique*
11/25/09 New Moon Critique
New Moon was more accurate to the book so I liked it better in that respect. The wolf CGI was awesome. How Kirsten could act out a nuanced nightmare to portray the reenactment of her dance studio torment was surprising to me. Jacob's unrequited love scene made me tear up a bit. Rosalie did a fine job of a five second tease for the upcoming two ... hinting at the angst of being robbed of the one thing she can never have as a vampire, a child. Surprisingly, my fav scene was not in the book but fabricated as Alice's vision of Bella frolicking through a forest with Edward shimmering in her future state. Unusual for a movie to outpace my imagination but it captured the innocence and carefreeness of youth in a way that completely captured my heart. Come to think of it the portrayal of Emily surpassed what I imagined too. The finesse of love that transcends the physical world. The scene accurately shows how hearts can bind internally while not physically touching which is how I've felt about Terry since we got married. RPatz was not as ubiquitous because of the plot line but the next two books are back to the Bella Edward story more. His scene in the classroom captured many of the qualities of Edward that women love: His ability to memorize and orate a difficult text from Shakespeare that has deep meaning to him. His contemporaries look on as he rattles off the text that they can barely read let alone understand well. Every woman in his classroom is riveted by his eloquence and comprehension of life's preciousness and eternal love.
UGH! That is awful Mr. Bog! I am SO going to rewrite that next week. Talk about poor writing! No topic sentence or five sentence paragraphs or five paragraph format. Shame on me.
I'm going to go see it again anyway next week because I want to write about all the Cullens and LaPush characters. I mean the way Ashley Green sits patiently while Jacob pleads with Bella was the stuff great acting is made of. Acting out patience. Her expression says, "I can go against my entire nature as a boisterous, impatient person and submit myself to humility in the face of this stinky dogs unrequited love."
It was hard to concentrate when my hopelessly romantic husband wanted to make out.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

11/21/09 Bainbridge Island Here I Come!

*Bounces in happily and lies down* Oh Mr. Blog!
You'll never guess what happened today.
I was given a contact for a possible place to stay on Bainbridge Island for their arts and crafts show called, "Christmas in the Country" and we hit it off on the phone like salt and pepper!
Kathleen is a teacher in Kirkland but lives on Bainbridge and she and her husband
do old fashioned printing press printing on the side of their "real" jobs.
So if my 500 games are ready soon I can get them all packaged and loaded to go
December 4th, 5th and 6th.
Terry suggested I just hop on the Edmonds ferry and drive down the back way.
I was born in Seattle and never knew there was a bridge to Bainbridge Island!
'Course the last time I went there was 1966 to pick strawberries when I was ten.
It was awful. I talked my friend into straying into the restricted field 'cause that's where the really big berries were and the farmer caught us and gave us
the tongue lashing of a lifetime.
So anyway, I am so excited to go on a new adventure I can't stand it!

Friday, November 20, 2009

11/20/09 Hawaii With Bren and Home Again

*Walks in slowly and lies down* Hi Mr Blog, Here is a lei I brought you back from Hawaii. *Hands lei* So it was wonderful to warm up for a few weeks Mr. Blog. Now that I'm an old choker I notice I get chilled easier. Brenda and I had a lovely time. We shopped, went to the bot garden and snorkeled. The usual. She is almost like a sister after being pals since 10th grade in 1973.
She is the most amazing person I ever met in my entire life. Unique. Wonderful.
This time before I went I decided to be more amenable to all the things she wanted to do.
So I went to her classes and AA meetings and even Zimbalatize.
I especially enjoyed going to Uncle Robert's kava bar and meeting him and Puna and Julie and Uncle Harold. It is down at the lava flow area. Speaking of lava flow, we went at night to watch the lava spew into the ocean. What a firey and exciting sight that was!
I could talk for hours about the trip but it would be too boring for you. We got rained out the whole two weeks except the last day but I didn't care because it was 75F! Lovely warmth.
So I got home to the usual bomb disaster of a house
with both kids sick with colds and mailman Terry cranky as the day is long.
Troy didn't make the school basketball team and I am so sad for him.
He tried so hard and I could tell he was sad. Maybe next year.
I am tired today so I'm going to go take a nap before my errands.
I have mountains of Nixpix work but can't start on it until the home is in order.

Friday, November 6, 2009

11/6/09 Recycling More Than Papers

*Saunters in with "Superfreak" playing in her head and does a spin and shake and bake
before lying down*
Well get this Mr. Blog! I recycled my whole frickin' life yesterday!
I pulled out all my scout, PTA and teacher job seeking-papers and then I
hucked them in the recycle bin! Three times!
*Hears "Rocky" theme in head* Three times! *Jumps up and does "Rocky" dance*
Ten years of volunteer work papers and job hunting papers all GONE GONE GONE!
I feel free as a bird and thirsty for adventure!
And get this! I thought I had enough miles for a free ticket to visit Bren in Hawaii
but the stupid airline raised the mile level so I didn't.
Bren told me to tell Terry to charge a ticket cause she thinks she is dying of lung cancer.
She and Terry are both hypochondriacs and always think they are dying.
So I told Terry and he said, "You always go in November
and I have just enough credit on my emergency charge card for you to go
so go." I nearly fainted from shock because I didn't think in a million years
he'd ever go for the old "Best Friend is Dying of Lung Cancer"
three years in a row!!!
I only have two small games left so I'm going to my first arts and crafts fair tomorrow
at St. Brendan's church in Bothell anyway.
I'm taking the new large-print game to display it
and I'm passing out business cards and candy and meeting some new people.
I love to meet new people.
It's like picking up a new magazine only better!
The stories I've heard are always stranger than anything someone could make up.
I fly out Sunday and I'll miss you Mr. Blog.
Be good and I'll catch ya on the flip side.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

11/5/09 Game On

*Struts in like she owns the joint and sits in a chair*
So we did it Mr. Blog! Connie and Steve and I met at Allegra Printers in Bothell yesterday
and I signed off on the limited edition of 500 Pass the Test, Rules of the Road,
Washington State, games.
We have already started on the USA game that replaces it in March.
I was so nervous before I left I thought I would puke! Bren called and reminded me to breathe
which was good since I hold my breath when I get nervous and it makes me dizzy.
I am so excited to sell I can't stand it!
It will kill me to wait until November 20th to get the games delivered.
My new mantra for my business is, "Spread Cheer."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11/4/09 Zumiez Alderwood Mall

*Skips in and lies down happily*
Hello Mr. Blog! How are you today? *Listens to a story about his Bassett hound*
That is so cute you named him NoMo after Stan Boreson's dog! You should bring him in!
So anyway, yesterday I picked up Connie and we dropped off our huge game display at Zumiez.
I had designed it around a box so the bottom was completely full of business cards, contest forms and candy! When I was subbing, I got very positive results from the teens bribing them with candy. No five paragraph essay, no Jolly Rancher.
So I think my candy strategy is a good one. The top of the display was a demo game glued vertically with some mini-racers attached and it looked really attractive.
The two ladies at Zumiez were very receptive and Allison said they were just in the
middle of refreshing their outside vendor information area.
If there is ONE place to advertise in Washington State it is at the Alderwood Mall Zumiez.
I bought so much stuff there for Troy and Teddy the last two Christmases and they
have all the latest cool graphic designs on clothes and hats and shoes.
We had lunch at Macaroni's fancy pants restaurant because the beautiful and generous
Stephanie McCarthy had given me a gift card for finding her babysitters.
Ohhh, it was nice. All brick and wood decor with a Chilhuly swag lamp in the entryway!
I had the eggplant parmesan and Connie had something that looked yummy.
We went over our business plan and realized without the next batch of games to sell
we were at a bit of a standstill. Hard to sell with no product.
Connie was kind enough to see the matinee of "Whip It" with me because
we are both Drew Barrymore and rollerderby fans.
The skating scenes were fantastic and now I'm going to go see one soon.
So I did a zillion errands after that and called Jeff at Allegra to get a release date
of our large-print, family fun edition and he said November 20th.
There is no sub work and I'll sell my last three small-print games Saturday
so I called Bren and she said to come out for a visit to Hawaii.
I have a comp ticket so I decided to go.

Monday, November 2, 2009

11/2/09 The Washington State DECA Conference

*Walks in and lies down* Well Mr. Blog, I knew going out of town right before the conference was dicey. Connie met me at Starbucks Monday night and was really put out when all I had
was six scenes for our skit outlined. I don't blame her because I was a terrible businesswoman to go out of town like that. We hammered out a plan and I asked her what was wrong and she
told me she had fallen down a flight of stairs the day before! My God Mr. Blog. She is tough
as frickin' nails. Wish I was half that tough.
So she picked me up Tuesday and we went to Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue and got our groove on. Only six teachers came for our presentation and they looked tired and grouchy since it was the last class of the conference. I was a little stiff but Connie pulled out all the stops and got loads of laughs. By the end of our ten minute skit of the birth of Nixpix they were all grinning.
One nice blond lady teacher said then and there that she was having her two classes market our game. We passed out goody bags with business card magnets and nipixjingle contest forms and candy and at the end I took more downstairs and passed them all out. 1,000 business cards and 1,000 contest forms. I think we did well.

11/2/09 My New Mission

*Walks in and sits on chair*
Hi Mr. Blog. I did a lot of reflecting about what all of Lloyd's friends and relatives said at his funeral. The the day after I got home from Utah the neighbor girl got locked out.
So if Lloyd's attitude lives in me and I can help a little girl, that means something.
This probably sounds crazier than usual.
But my new mission is to make every single person I meet feel better either about
themselves or their lives or both.
And that's not all.
When mummy got sick in 2002 I got depressed. Then she and Lyle died.
I swear to God I never thought I'd get my true cheer back.
Then last Christmas, out of the blue, my cheer came back.
It was like a black blanket was lifted off me and I felt like my old self for the first time in 2002.
So now I am calling or writing every single friend and relative to see what I can do for them.
It is my mission to make as many people happy before I kick the bucket as possible.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10/30/09 Lloyd Swena's Funeral in Heber City Utah

*Walks in and crosses to Mr. Blog's desk and picks up box of Kleenex before lying down*
Hi Mr. Blog. Do you think you can do me a favor? This is a very long, sad story and I'd like you to lay on the couch across from me. That way if you doze off I won't feel guilty about putting you to sleep. Thanks. *Waits for Mr. Blog to lie down and then starts*
So a week ago today, Friday, I saw my friend Lloyd again. Only he wasn't alive anymore. He was laying in the most beautiful casket I have ever seen in my life. He was as handsome and well-groomed as the last time I saw him. Only he wouldn't open his eyes. I wanted to shout at him, "Lloyd! Wake up!" I wanted it to be a bad dream so bad. I kept waiting to wake up. I knew it must be a nightmare and his eyes would pop open and he'd shout, "Just kidding!"
But he didn't wake up. He wasn't asleep Mr. Blog.
It started last Wednesday with a evening phone call from Danny. I was so excited that I started jumping up and down in my kitchen and hollering, "Danny! Danny! How are you?! Tell me, tell me everything!"
But he was silent for a minute. Then he said, "Gretchen, this isn't good news. Mitch asked me to call you. Lloyd died Saturday from liver cancer. He got it the end of August and went really fast and it was unexpected. The funeral is in Heber City Utah on Saturday."
Oh Mr. Blog. It was the last thing I expected. We were all going to get old together. I was going to fly to Houston and party with Mitch and Lloyd and our old pals one of these days.
So I crawled in bed Wednesday night and tried to decide what to do.
Connie and I had the big DECA conference that we needed to get ready for the 27Th but I kept thinking about Lloyd in training and how he'd show us pictures of two little blond kids all the time and go on and on about Nathan and Amber. I wanted to meet them. His legacy.
So I woke up Thursday morning and knew I had to go.
I had never heard of Heber City Utah but I knew to be at a Saturday morning funeral that I'd better make my way down there Friday.
I got up Friday morning after the Ts left for work and school and checked my list.
I had a bad start. The pants I bought for the trip at St. Vinny's were too small.
I found my work slacks and told myself to stay calm and walked to the bus stop in the rain.
The new-fangled buses have a fancy upper level in the back but I hadn't been on one in four years since we took our cub scouts to Bremerton to tour the Turner Joy battleship.
I sat in the back, up high and looked at my beloved Kenmore pass by me.
I enjoyed the fall colors and caught a glimpse of University mobile home park where
Brenda lived in the mid-1980s.
The bus left me off downtown in front of a hat shop.
It was so appealing that I went in and was astounded and asked for a business card.
I found the fancy new bus tunnel and offered my umbrella to a friendly-looking black lady going the other way up the long walking tunnel from the bus tunnel. That tunnel had great acoustics and we echoed salutations until our voices disappeared.
I had missed my connecting bus looking at hats and sat to wait.
A young black man in a tattered wedding dress came in and asked it I liked his dress.
I motioned the spot next to me on the bench and told him I liked it and his toe nail polish.
My new bus was crowded and I sat up front trying to be quiet like everyone else.
I asked the young man next to me if he knew when the new train would start to the airport.
He said in a thick East European accent, "This is the train."
I didn't have the heart to tell him this was the bus, not the train, so I just smiled and nodded.
I got off at Sea Tac and made my way to security and out to the south underground train.
I felt lonely so on the escalator down I said, "Hello" to the friendly-looking Chinese man behind me. He told me he was going to Hong Kong to buy books about a 3,500 language that was written on the back of pieces of sea turtle shells. We talked on the train and he told me his name was Ping and he lived near Sand Point and worked for the Seattle Asia museum. I told him I wished I could go to Hong Kong with him because I have always wanted to go there but I had to go to a funeral in Utah. Then he gave me a tiny green laminated card with a character of the 3,500 year old language. It said, "Nee ahh" and he told me it was two words. Either powerful man for a man or beautiful woman for a woman. I tucked that card in the pocket of my fancy gray funeral jacket that Patty gave me and I was rubbing it for good luck all week-end.
I wanted badly to have a beautiful woman soul to give comfort and support all week-end.
Ping and I got to the top of the escalator to the south satellite building and shook hands.
I found my gate and then walked around. A nice man was giving away cute teddy bears dressed in aviator goggles and bomber jackets with tiny Delta scarves for filling out charge card applications. I was lonely and sad and he made me feel so much better. He showed me the picture of his daughter going to nursing school and she was so pretty! I showed him my brand new school pictures of Troy and Teddy and was surprised Troy had turned into a man.
After buying overpriced bottled water from a tap of the SeaTac basement, I sat to wait.
A huge man named Richard sat next to me and he was going to Tel Aviv Israel for a geologist water meeting with his global dam pals. I told him I wished I go to Tel Aviv. They were going to talk about an ancient flood there and I asked him about that highway 410 landslide.
I told him when I worked for the City of Seattle Engineering street maintenance department I used to have to uncover storm drains on Greek Row. The coldest job I ever had was crawling under cars with my rake in the rain to pull out the soggy leaves in November in the rain on Greek Row.
He told me his storm drain filled up in Edmonds and killed his wife's new car one time.
When I got on my plane I was happy to be in First Class. I used up all the miles I was saving to visit the BSA jamboree and go to Harry Potterland with my friend April this summer to go.
My seat partner Scott was a wholesale rep for Michelin and his territory covered five states but he got to go home for week-ends to Utah with his family so I was happy for him.
All I got on the flight was a sack of chips and some drinks. I was stunned because when I used to work two hours flights for Continental I would have served a hot dish up in First Class.
I found my way to the baggage claim area and Kevin, with Aspen Transportation, was right there with his Chevy SUV. His wife Chris had run my charge card through the day before and I was amazed by the beauty of Utah as we drag-raced up highway 40 past Park City. He pointed out the Olympic ski runs and toboggan course and I was excited 'cause I'd seen it on TV.
When I got to Heber City I thought it was the prettiest city I'd ever seen.
They have a great street maintenance department, which was obvious by the well-maintained streets and sidewalks and their spotless condition.
Kevin dropped me off at the Swiss Alps motel and Max got me all checked in and gave me a coupon worth $5.00 at the Dairy Keen that he owns next door. Max is a retired teacher and told me all about Lloyd's grandparents and his dad and uncles that went to school there. One of Lloyd's uncles had been nominated for All State football when he was young.
The motel was adorable and spotless and I want to go back for something called the
Cowboy's Poetry contest every November when Nixpix gets going.
The only thing cuter than the motel was the Dairy Keen. It had trains inside and out and Halloween decorations everywhere. I had a train dinner meal and it was awesome!
The nice man in line with me sat nearby and told me all about teaching at the local high school and I was so happy to hear about the field trip he had led one time to see dinosaur fossils.
I cleaned up and started the longest walk I ever took in my entire life.
I looked at Heber in such great detail that it was dark when I arrived at Olpin's Funeral home.
I found my way inside and spotted his mom right away surrounded by her relatives.
The injustice of a parent losing a child drowned me.
I couldn't stand it.
Verna Kaye goes by Kaye and I made myself walk to her area.
The person next to her welcomed me and introduced herself and everyone and I introduced myself to all of them. When I shook Kaye's hand I was so overwhelmed I thought my knees would buckle. Not only did I grieve for her but I missed my mom. She was the exact same
size and age and coloring of my mom and I wanted her to be my mom.
Kaye is the most gracious person I have ever met in my entire life.
I visited with them and they introduced me around to all the friends and relatives. I sat down with some airline friends of Lloyd's for a while and then went in.
The viewing room was empty.
His hand was cold and smooth and I lingered there.
I took in all the details of the beauty and grace of Lloyd.
I told myself he was sleeping.
I told myself I was sleeping.
We would both wake up any minute and he would say,
"Gret-chen! Girlfriend what are you doing?!"
He didn't wake up.
I made my way back out and sat with the airline friends of Lloyd's again.
His best friend and Buddy-Bidder Nicole took me around to meet people that had just come in.
I sat on the empty love seat next to his brother Billy.
He told me all about their trip to Alaska in July.
I love Billy. He was so kind to me and it was soul-quenching to look in his piercing blue eyes.
Swena eyes. Eyes that even in the depths of sorry twinkled in spite of themselves.
Billy had lost his wife and their dad and had other tragedies in the last few years,
yet he took the time to share all his stories with me.
It was nine when I left to walk home and I needed a drink.
I don't drink much or often for a good reason.
I found the gas station mini-mart a block down from the funeral home and walked straight to the beer case. I asked if I could split a six pack for a small Coor's Light cans and the young man said that I had to buy a single. They were as tall as the floor to my knees but I ponied up anyway.
I opened it and talked to the clerk for a half hour. He didn't know Lloyd but went to school with his ex-wife and knew some of his relatives. He was very soothing.
It was bitter cold when I got out on the sidewalk and I sat on an attractive wrought iron bench.
I watched the cars drive by and finished my cowboy beer. I sloshed back to room 34.
I had bad dreams all night and woke up thinking about Nichole.
She was Lloyd's Buddy Bidder and best friend for four years.
I thought about my Buddy Bidder Theresa and how we'd carpooled to SeaTac and flown
to Denver to work together for over eight years. Four day trips wherever we wanted to go.
Working on our tans in Miami, shopping in New York, taking MY mom to London.
I had an extra sympathy card and I filled it in slowly for Nichole through a flood of tears.
I woke up at seven and went out and took pictures of the picturesque town.
I got ready and showered and noticed my hair was stiff. I put on my glasses and realized I
had used hand lotion instead of conditioner. Bleh.
I carpooled up to the funeral home with Sue and her sister.
I spied Danny on the porch and wanted to run to him.
He was the only other person from class 8709 that made it to Heber City.
I met his partner and stuck to them all day.
Lloyd's brother Mark led the service and we went to the viewing room for the family prayer.
Lloyd's daughter Amber led it and it was beautiful. I lined up for the final goodbyes.
I said goodbye to Lloyd and kissed his temple.
After the opening of the service Amber went first.
Her beauty is only challenged by her graciousness.
She said Lloyd lived on inside each of us through his love for us.
Then I saw her. Lloyd's grand daughter Katiana.
Danny whispered to me that she was Lloyd's mini-girl.
She looked like Lloyd had climbed in a time machine and come out as a tiny little girl.
Traci and I were crying uncontrollably the entire service, especially when Katiana toddled by.
All the stories were wonderful.
Mark told of his older brothers Lloyd and Billy hogtying him as a little kid to prevent him from tagging along telling him when he freed himself he could join them. If he did get himself free they said they needed to start the game over because they hadn't done a good enough job.
His cousin Craig told of a fishing trip with his dad that went wrong.
When left at the campsite alone, Lloyd told his seven year old cousin that his dad always poured gas on the fire. Eight year old Lloyd took the full five gallon can and started pouring.
All Craig remembered was the fireball shooting up in the air and laughing all the way home as they admired their black faces and eyebrowless, eyelashless faces.
There were dozens of stories that touched my heart so deeply
that I began to fear I would never stop crying.
Danny and Tommy and I followed the hearse to the graveyard and saw the snow covered mountains in the background above the golden aspen trees lining the valley.
It was a gloriously sunny day and we gathered as Lloyd's Uncle Gene blessed the grave.
At the following luncheon, God blessed me to sit across from Mitch.
He was so surprised to see me and said the last time he saw me was in the Denver
crew room in 1993. I had commuted in that afternoon and slept all day and he said Lloyd said,
"My God Gretchen! Look at your hair! Did you get dragged under a car?!"
Well I knew what reminded him of that when I went to the powder room and saw
the hand lotion I'd used on my hair made it stand on end like boar bristles.
We had a lovely lunch and I was so honored to get to sit next to Amber and Matt and hold
Lloyd's mini-girl Katiana. Mitch's mom and sister-in-law and her daughter were with us and they were so delightful. Danny and Mitch had known each other as kids in New Iberia Louisiana and Danny was working as a prison guard when he got hired by Continental.
Tommy drove us to Lloyd's ex-wife Sharon's house up in Orem through the most beautiful valley I have ever seen. The gullies were filled with golden aspens and I enjoyed hearing all of Danny's stories of his life the last two decades.
At Sharon's house everyone was having a little wine so I had a quarter glass to toast Lloyd.
I called my mom's best friend Raylene and she said she'd pick me up soon.
When she was there in five minutes I didn't expect it
and I had to just jump up and say, "Goodbye" and scram out of there.
Raylene looked exactly like she did when I met her in 1975 except older.
She took me home and I loved being with her and Chuck and their son Nolan and their
Japanese exchange student Junki. They made a huge spaghetti dinner and her friends
Julinna and Richard came with their daughter Marissa and Japanese exchange student
Neeshinee. We had a bit of wine and lots of good stories. I thought I was ought
of tears but they would sneak in once in awhile.
The next morning I came downstairs and looked at Raylene and laughed and laughed.
I had never seen anyone wear flannel jammies with a nightshirt untucked like I did.
We went to Julianna's for brunch and then Raylene dropped me off at the airport.
She is like the most awesome person I ever met.
I saw an earlier flight and jumped on it and was sad to leave Raylene to go home.
*Looks over at Mr. Blog softly snoring and gets up and gently covers him with a wool throw and softly walks out the door*

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/20/09 Nixpix Update

*Walks in and lies down* Look at all this gray hair Mr. Blog!
Troy just drove me to Radio Shack and back.
I hope I survive teaching him to drive.
So I picked up Connie after work and we went up to Steve's.
She is the most amazing proofreader in history!
We went through PTT version two with a flea comb.
Connie is the best business partner in the world.
I hope she never bails out on me!
I called Jeff at Allegra printing when I got back and gave him an update.
Then I called Jody at J&J designs and chatted about mock-ups. I trust him.
I got home and Angela dropped in and we went across the street for coffee.
I love my new Starbucks and my new crosswalk in front of my house directly to my Starbucks.
Angela is such a delightful person.
Teddy and I just watched our favorite TV show called,
"My name is Earl."
It is the best show since, "The X-Files."

Monday, October 19, 2009

10/19/09 Lloyd Swena , Troy Drove

*Walks in and lies down* I still feel a little icky
and one of my best friends from Continental in-flight training
died a few days ago from liver cancer.
Lloyd Swena was one of the most
positive people I have ever met
in my whole life. I just loved him.
My heart is all crumbly still.
When I was in flight training and living at the Houston Intercontinental Airport Sheraton hotel
he and Tony were in the room next to us.
Every single night at ten they would pound on the wall and yell,
"Goodnight Gretchen! Goodnight Heather!"
We'd do the same and laugh and laugh.
He and Tony and Danny were always pranking all of us.
One time they snuck into an empty classroom at night and our entire
class of fifty came down and had a pajama party!
We had popcorn and soda and they played the movie "Airplane."
Every time the star came out, that brunette actress, they would all yell,
"Gret-chen! Gret-chen!" We laughed so hard.
I was twenty-nine when I got hired which is really old for a new hire
flight attendant. I was very serious in training and never horsed around.
After carrying mail ten years, flying was a dream come true and
I wasn't about to screw it up!
Lloyd would tease me mercilessly all the time
to try to get me to lighten up.
He always made me laugh even
when I tried so hard not to.
The last time I saw him was in 1993 when our old class
was almost all working an airbus from Denver to Chicago.
We had a strong tail wind and got there with a full boat of 340 pax
in 1:50!!! I was working main galley and we barely got
our hot meal served and picked up and no one had time to give me
their liquor money until we landed! I just shoved all of it in my apron
and we all went to the hotel.
I was in my room in my ratty, "Marry Me and Fly Free" tee shirt
and I had $500.00 in cash all over my bed in
neat piles while I filled out my liquor forms.
I had to fill the scan-tron sheet to match the
cash exactly and I was pulling figures out of a hat to match
up the minis, beer and wine amounts.
There was a pounding on the door and I cracked
it open and Lloyd, Tony, Michael, Jan, Theresa, Barbara,
and Danny all burst in and started jumping up and down on
my bed!
The money and change was flying
all around the room and they were chanting,
Gret-chen! Gret-chen! Gret-chen!
I was hollering at them, worried I'd get fired if anyone told on me.
I gave up and threw on my clothes and went out with them
and turned in the money at the airport
the next morning
with my fingers crossed.
Lloyd and I would call each other every six months or so
to stay caught up and now
I will never hear his voice again.
I forgot to tell you that Troy drove down the street and back on Sunday.
It was terrifying and look at this: *Shows head with white hair still standing on end*

Saturday, October 17, 2009

10/17/09 The Good Listener

*Walks in gingerly and lies down* Hi Mr. Blog. I'm not feeling too good. Sore throat, headache and body aches. I'm going back to bed when I get home.
So yesterday I went to Steve's to proof the new edition of our game.
I love, love, love it. He is the best graphic designer in the world.
The bigger size with the larger font will make adults so happy.
Sometimes adults have to retake the test themselves.
If they forget to renew their license on time or get a DUI.
But mostly some people like people. Not TV people.
Real people that they can see and touch and laugh with.
That's what the game is about. Socializing.
Sure it is educational and blah, blah, blah.
But with this nasty weather it might be handy to own a new game.
Call a pal and say, "I got this new game. Want to try it?"
I forgot to tell you about last week-end.
Terry and I went to Patty's for dinner and had salmon and salad and loads of other stuff
and cherry pie for dessert. Riel was there and we just laughed and laughed.
We watched the DAWGS play football and every time they showed the stands
we looked for our friend Marcia and yelled, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"
Riel started it but it got funnier and funnier cause all they showed
were the cute young blond girls every single time.
We had a theory that the cameraman was a twenty-five year old single guy.
So I got 200 out of 1,000 of my new business cards attached to magnets.
Then Wednesday I needed to be a good listener.
Brenda and Connie both had problems to process.
I just shut my mind to my world,
sealed my lips,
and opened my ears.
I know I didn't get much work done on the business that day but you know what?
People are more important to me than money.

Monday, October 12, 2009

10/12/09 Hoping For a Miracle Sub Job

*Walks in with hopeful look and lies down* Hi Mr. Blog, you won't believe what was
posted on the Shoreline school district website yesterday. A long term substitute job in fourth grade, which happens to be my VERY FAVORITE GRADE. I love Washington state history.
I'm not even getting my hopes up this time. There is always someone better.
So I'll turn it over to God.
It starts now and goes until March would be enough income to pay off our business loan and cover the costs of Pass The Test, USA!!!
So Connie and I did the final edits for the bigger Pass The Test for families today.
I feel like I'm playing Beat The Clock against the October 27th DECA convention.
I'm praying very hard since there will be 1,400 people to talk to there including the
100 DECA teachers that could pick my game for their classes to market.
So can we get the edits, mock-ups, and printing done that fast???
I do believe in miracles.

Friday, October 9, 2009

10/9/09 Great Bid From Allegra Printing

*Walks in with a bounce in her step and lies down* Did you notice how cold out it is getting now Mr. Blog? Brrr. There was frost on sissy's roof morning before last. She lives next door in our mother-in-law apartment.
So I had GREAT news yesterday mr. Blog. I got home from subbing at Brookside, my favorite school, and I had an e-mail from Jeff at Allegra printing up in Bothell.
He did the bid including most of the assembly and it was fantastic.
This game is the world's hardest game to assemble because
it has two boards glued together.
Every time I make one I get covered head to toe with glue and stuff sticks to me all day.
Connie can do it neatly. She is a marvel of coordination!
The smallest bid is for 500 games and I really want 1,000
but we won't be able to borrow that much.
This next edition has large print fonts so grown ups can play without glasses.
I can't wait to bring one in to show you!
16"x22" in full color laminated top.
The colors are so vibrant they jump off the page!
So sissy changed her mind about wanting one of my kidneys.
She said she did not want to feel "indebted" to me.
I'm sad 'cause she'll live ten to fifteen years less
with a cadaver kidney.
Oh well. Just cause I'm crazy about life doesn't mean she is.
Our real dad, James Frederick Lehde, asked me to donate one to her before he died.
I told him of course I would when the time came.
Not to worry, not to worry.
I love my sister.

Monday, October 5, 2009

10/5/09 My Kids Hate Me

*Walks in and lies down and stares at the ceiling*
Parenthood is so confusing. I feel like a prison guard half the time and I hate it.
I told the kids not to bring home those violent shooting games for their machines.
I told them a thousand times
that if they kept it up the machines would disappear.
So today I removed the machines. No more X-Box or Playstation.
My kids hate me.
They can have them back when they move out.
Those games are evil and creating a generation of violent killers.
I just can't run my business when I'm worrying
about the kids getting brainwashed
into being killers.
I love my kids.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

10/3/09 Trying Not To Panic

*Walks in dazed looking and sits in the chair fidgeting*
Oh, Mr. Blog. I dropped off the other sample for bid at Print Fusion after Allegra Printers.
Minimum to get a good print price is 1,000 games so now I think I'm in big trouble.
I'll need between eight and nine thousand dollars and have NO IDEA how I can
borrow that much! I feel sick to my stomach I'm so worried.
I went and had coffee with Patty and she said not to borrow on
our home equity loan without telling Terry. But he'll say no
so I am a total wreck today.
Will I ever get this business off the ground?!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

10/1/09 Need Fun?

*Drags in with hangdog expression and flops down*
Oh Mr. Blog, the new bid I got from Allegra printer in Bothell is too high.
Unless we print thousands. I'm so sad. I can't get a business loan because I don't know if I will every sell enough games to be successful and repay a business loan.
At least I came up with the Nixpix tagline, "Need Fun?" Do you like it?
I think having fun is as important as breathing but then I'm a bit of a freak.
I'm going to go make blackberry jelly for my friend Art now.
When I moved to Kenmore in 1990 from Bothell, I wanted a local car repair shop and I
could walk to Northshore Garage so I started going there.
I had this really hot 1980 red and black Rally Sport Camaro with tee-tops.
I loved that car!
So Art has always been so kind to me
and I think some blackberry jelly
would brighten his day.
That is my goal in life.
To make everyone's day a little brighter.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

9/30/09 I Hope I Have a Good Kidney

*Bounces in and plops in chair and puts feet on ottoman*
Good Morning Mr. Blog!
I am happy you'll let me come early sometimes so you can see me in full cheer gear.
So the UW Medical Center called back and gave me an appointment October 27th to get my kidneys screened to see if I can be a living donor.
I hope I can give one to Sissy 'cause dialysis sucks! She has so many medical problems already that is just isn't fair she has to do that. Because she doesn't have kids or a full time job she has to take the times those people can't make. Five AM at the hospital! She has to get up at three o'clock in the morning! Poor Sissy.
If I'm a good match and she can have one of my kidneys she could live an extra ten years!
Thank God she doesn't need a heart or a brain 'cause I only have one of those.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9/29/09 Trendex Tease, Binder Blunders, Contests

Hi Mr. Blog. Binder Bob of Trendex mailed me samples of their game boards and I am just so sad I can't afford to put my game on a real game board. Did you know when you apply for a small business loan that you have to set up a repayment schedule? I couldn't do that because I don't have a way to make sales projections.
So then Craig, from UPS e-mails me that their store is closing next week. I was crushed. I like him so much and thought we'd be doing business together for the next two decades.
Connie suggested trying another FedEx for printing and that is a good idea.
I'm also calling Jet City Printers and Land Printers up in Bothell tomorrow.
I learned a lot about paper weights, lamination, scoring and cut to bleed trims.
I also learned about pricing, labor costs, shipping and manufacturing.
I refuse to panic about speaking at the Washington State DECA conference October 27th at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. I still have five games left of the original print run of fifty to take if the new product is not complete.
The important thing is my new idea. I am making flyers with my biz card magnet attached to give to the teens at the conference. Nixpix Youtube jingle and commercials with cash prizes.
I think over 1,000 teens will be at the conference so I need to hustle up these flyers.

Friday, September 25, 2009

9/25/09 Troy Passed The Test

Oh Mr. Blog!
I have the best news! Troy passed his driving knowledge test today and he said the game really helped him study! I created Pass The Test, Rules of the Road, specifically for him and was so worried it didn't work and now I know it did work. He was so happy and I am happy with him.
So now he can drive with me or Terry and when he turn 18 it will turn into a license. Yay!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

9/24/09 Lamination Lamentations

Oh Mr. Blog, thank you for being here for me! Ugh.
I went to the Kenmore UPS store yesterday for my appointment with Craig Jones and he greeted me with, "Oh Gretchen, my lamination guy went out of business. Bankrupt."
I felt the floor opening me up and I was falling, falling, falling into the bottomless pit
of business startup complications. When I psychologically crawled up from the pit
I felt like my life was passing before my eyes. Pictures of friends and relatives spinning past.
So, I did what I always do. I gave myself a sharp, mental slap on my own face.
Ouchy. Nobody can kick my ass better than my own self. Seriously.
So I went to the counter with my huge box of stuff and Craig and I started talking turkey.
He is fantastic. His dad, Glenn Jones, was one of my dad's best friends.
Kenmore, The Next Generation! Hahahaha. *laughs at self*
So Connie arrived in her chronically late style and my blood pressure dropped back to normal.
She is the antidote for my chronically "out there" ideas. My personal anchor.
Lisa showed up so we showed her what we were doing and she had some great ideas.
She is so nice and her daughter is in my favorite top ten kids I sub with.
I like people Mr. Blog. I just think they are interesting and funny and full of good stories and fresh ideas.
So Craig made some calls and Connie and Lisa and I looked at the old 22" x 17" and compared it to the new 15" x 17" game. It got small because of the high cost of lams and the cut to bleed problem and the folding problem that seems endless... Until...
So we talked turkey till we turned blue then Connie and I went next door to Toshi's.
I LOVE Kenmore Toshi's Teriyaki. Kim and I were born the same year, 1956 and her kid John is already in college and her mom is STILL ALIVE in Korea. I'm pretty jealous about that.
Even though I don't cry as much over mom and Lyle now, I still miss them so much.
I couldn't pick many blackberries for years cause that was one of their favorite foods.
Blackberry cobbler.
It says it all: The joy of summer, the promise of industrious autumns. The shiny black segments that huge spiders will charge at you over with their swords drawn.
The stickiness of your purple hands and the snakes that slither past, stopping to glance at you as an inconsequential intruder in their world.
The sink full of soaking berries that you hope you can clean
before they ferment
and lead your teenagers into a life of alcoholism and hopelessness.
The scent of the lemon zest as you grate it into
the berries in your blue glass baking pan
that your wonderful mother-in-law Suzanne gave you.
The crunchy, gunky feel of the sugar and flour as you tenderly
mix them into the berries and try not to cry,
because it was your mom and dad's favorite.
*blows nose and wipes eyes*
So Connie says at lunch, "We can't work today."
And I say, "I'm coming to your house and we will assemble those last two games."
Her poor son was still sick but he said he didn't mind if we worked.
The four panel assembly is a A THING OF THE PAST.
Later on I called Steve-O and out of the blue he said,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/19/09 Scoring Idea

Hi Mr. Blog, I think I've got it. Our production problem of gluing the laminated panels is a huge time waster. I woke up with the idea to have the laminated top of the game run through a professional scoring machine! I found a bindery in Greenwood and I'm calling them first thing in the morning! I hope it solves all of our buckling problems!
It was a gorgeous sunny day! Troy and I have new colds with sore throats and coughs.
I went to Costco with Angela and for eight dollars I got enough saran wrap for this lifetime
and about ten reincarnations. What a secure feeling that is.
We popped up to Office Depot and I bought 200 peel and stick business card magnets and got them all made tonight,
Quinn and Joe came over to go canoing with Troy and they had a blast and they are both in DECA and Quinn is ready to work for me right now and excited. Let's see if he can pass out 200 magnets for $20.00!
Terry left for union shop steward training in Gold Bar so the boys and I watched TV together.
They are cranky that Terry took the X-Box 360 but, oh well.
Wish this cold would go away!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

9/18/09 Car Show Fun

Hi Mr. Blog, it is so nice to see you.
I got to the Kenmore Community Clubhouse right at eight and served pancakes until eleven.
It was pretty funny. I love Bud and Annette Eaton so much. They are the managers and she asked if I could help serve a few weeks ago. Since I'm done as a scout and PTA leader after ten years I thought a little volunteer work would be good for me and it was. Bud, Annette and Dennis Karger were cooking the pancakes and sausages and Bev Peterson and Don and Wendy and me were serving the food. Lots of people asked for seconds and the cooks said we had to be,
"Careful" so we wouldn't run out. Don and Wendy said they just ignored what the cooks said and gave people whatever they wanted. It cracked me up and we had lots of laughs.
The Mayor's wife Sherry organized the carshow that followed the breakfast and it was awesome.
I had never been to a car show before and it was so much fun. I helped Sherry Baker and Kathy Straw set up for the car show and they were very happy. We hauled a bunch of tables outside and put on bright yellow table covers. Sherry let me set up my card table and sell games
and I did sell two. One to a guy a bit older than me, Pat and Bev. Pat got his for a party game for him and his carshow friends and Bev bought hers for her "grandma's toys closet."
I had never seen such amazing cars up close! Many from the 1930s on up. Some were mint stock buy my favorite were the customs. Especially Pat's custom pink '32 Chevy coupe. He won two trophies for it.
It was a little cloudy and cool but no REAL RAIN. We walked around or sat in folding chairs and yakked and looked at cars and listened to the Husky football game. We were so glad they beat the Trojans by two!
It was just a darn pleasant time and car show people are very friendly and interesting.
It is the perfect venue for selling car games. If Connie had gone I would have had double fun!
I learned all about the car show circuit and clubs and

9/18/09 Educational AND Fun

Hi Mr. Blog. I dropped off our game to Craig at the Kenmore UPS store to start working up bids on the revised edition. Not sure if we can go much bigger because of the laminated panels having to be cut to the bleed lines. Very complex to upgrade, yet oddly exciting. Like having another baby. I'd be satisfied if we can just increase enough to change the font a bit bigger.
That is the number one suggestion for improvement, to make the fonts big enough to read easier.
UPS has different print machines and I have a very good feeling about this situation.
As much as I convinced myself I was happy with the smaller size because of the lamination trimming, I did not like the fonts going below a twelve. I'm just going to pray up a storm that UPS comes through for us on a good bid. It will be the final Washington that we have to have as close to perfect as we can get with self-assembly because it will be the progenitor of the USA version that will be next. The minute this one is done, even in a few weeks, we'll be doing the cheat sheets and minor changes.
It is very exciting and makes me very very happy.
My worst day as my own boss is better than my best day working for anyone else.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

9/17/09 I Love Fog

Hi Mr. Blog, isn't it weird for an old lady to skip? I think it is very weird but I do it on crisp Autumn days anyway down the ramp from the bike trail.
So this morning it was foggy like pea soup. I couldn't even see the hillside on the other side of the valley. It was so MYSTERIOUS! When I was a kid I loved all the old London fog movies of monsters and vampires. There is just something magical about fog the way it just sits.
It just sits and looks amazing. I love fog. The other thing I love about it is how it lifts. Really slowly, like around lunchtime. And when it lifts it is like a fluffy curtain that has gone up and you look out the window and the sky is the bluest that it ever gets.
It was Terry's day off so I made him the usual breakfast. Four giant blueberry pancakes with butter and maple syrup and four fried eggs. When the fog lifted we went down behind Sloughstock lot and down through the meadows and picked blackberries all day. It was one of those magical days people write songs about: *sings made up song*
Foggy morning mystery, fog is surrounding me, fog makes me feel so mysterious
When it rises slowly, the sun makes me so curious
To explore the day through brand new eyes
because the sky is extra blue
Through the meadows I will follow
because I love you.
*Sighs at how goofy that came out*
So it got really hot out and we talked and laughed all day and decided to go swimming!
The pool was only 70 but it felt wonderful after sweating in the berry patch all day.
It was a perfect day. Starting with fog. Magical, wonderful fog.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16/09 My Hero Mike Kelley

I have been thinking about a presentation that Mike Kelley made up at Camp Piggott.
It was at the end of my BSA Woodbadge Training course and we were all in the lodge for the final wrap up. My patrol of David, Kevin, Brent and Nghi and myself were at a table right in the front. Our troop guide was the Amazing Steve Lum.
Mike went to the podium with a tall rectangular clear glass vase, set it down and said,
"Here is your life."
Then he put a several large rocks in the vase. They went to the top of the vase.
Then he said, "Can you fit more in your life?" He poured in a cup of pebbles.
"Can you put more in your life?" He poured in a cup of sand which drained in between the pebbles and said, "The rocks are you and your family. If you don't put them first, nothing fits right.
The gravel is your friends and relatives and if they don't come next, nothing fits right.
The sand is your scouting activities and you can do plenty but...
Go home and check on your rocks before you add pebbles or sand."
Mr. Kelley was my inspiration for my ten years as a scout leader. At our monthly roundtables
he would give the most inspiring speeches every month. He is the nicest man in the world.
So, I am always the first rock in the vase. How am I to take care of the other rocks, pebbles and sand if I don't always take care of myself first?
I can't. So I eat right, exercise and pray daily.
I want to be just like Mike.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9/15/09 Nixpix is NOT a porn site

You would not believe what happened today Mr. Blog.
After working with Connie for three hours I remembered to call State Farm to get more bids on product liability insurance. I had the nice agent on the phone and
she wanted to look at the website and it was BLOCKED as a porn site!
I'm so mad. Stupid, greedy, sex-crazed people.
Every time I hear the slimy pornographers going on and on about their First Amendment right to freedom of the press I have the same mental image.
All of the constitution writers are each on a giant spit that is inside their graves and they are rolling around and around like pigs on a rotisierre.
I had completely forgotten that nixpix is flagged as porn because of having two Xs in the name.
The Northshore and Shoreline school districts had it blocked until I could convince their techs to open the site and look at it and remove the blocks.
So, I pay $1,000.00 for a domain name that most people can't open at work.
Teachers are my target customers too so I am so miffed.
The original owner of the website, Nick DeWolf would probably think it is funny.
What an amazing person he was. I wish I could have met him. His early work at MIT and at Teradyne on semi-conductors laid much of the groundwork for computers. You should Google him sometime when you get the chance. He was a genius and excellent photographer and he owned nixpix.com originally. When he passed away his friend wouldn't give me the site for free
or $50.00 or $500.00. He said his best friend Nick DeWolf meant the world to him and he was sentimental about the website and wouldn't take a penny under $1,000.00 for nixpix.
Nick's pictures or nixpix for short.
Well, I'm a Nixon and I was writing my literary picks on the blackboard at
Kenmore Junior High and was in a hurry and wrote Nixpix for short.
I liked the way it sounded and I could have got Nixpix.org or net or edu for $5.99 but I wanted what I wanted. I had to take out a loan for it too and cranky old Jim in Denver was tough as nails over the whole thing. Took three months or more to negotiate the purchase. BLEH!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

9/13/09 Divorce Wars/ #1 Thing Parents Can Do For Their Kids

Hi Mr. Blog, don't get too close since I have this awful cold.
So I'm thinking about divorce lately since I have two more friends getting a divorce. I hate that and it's not like I haven't thought about it myself hundreds of times. All women do. Men and women are so different that it is amazing our world got way too full.
There is an old saying, "Men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love." That is so true.
So many women think they can get their emotional needs met by a man. Well, when you get older you know that ain't gonna happen. EVER. Old girls know that you don't shop for handbags at Home Depot. The only place a woman will ever get her emotional needs met is with another woman. There are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule, but Bren and I talk on the phone every day. That is how we stay married. From my experience men require the following:
Sex/Sleep depending on age ;)
Variety (This accounts for their addictions to TV, sports, booze, drugs, gambling etc..)
What makes it hard for men is that the variety issue is completely at odds with being married.
Any woman that wants a happy marriage better learn how to rotate those leftovers!
She also needs to have a closet full of different nightgowns since men are visual animals.
They want a tiger lady one night and nurse Ratchett the next. Sometimes they deserve a good spanking anyway. So no, Mr. Blog, I don't have all these things myself.
When Terry and I both worked at the post office in 1986 and '87 we had a stamp collecting club we were in. BPOPS. There is a brick in downtown Bothell on Main street. The Bothell Post Office Philatelic Society. Half our members were postal workers and half were retired men. One of our retired members was Art Kimball. He lived with Alice across from the Bothell funeral home in downtown Bothell. He was nearly blind so we drove him to the meetings. One night, coming back from Chet Nielson's, Terry asked him what he thought the secret to being married for sixty years was. Art loved to ride in my hot 1980 red and black Rally Sport Camaro with the Tee-tops. Anyway what Art told us was the secret to staying married sixty years was:
Sometimes Terry and I hurt each other's feelings and we pout for a whopping hour but we are old and wise enough not to lose precious time together.
We have trained ourselves to say, "I'm Sorry." Then we kiss and make up because we know that no one is perfect and we will make mistakes occasionally.
So Mr. Blog, I feel really strongly about what I am going to tell you and it is not my idea. It came from some marriage counselor we went to in 1994 for we were going to get a divorce.
Most adults are way too busy to work out their problems with each other.
Most problems can be worked out except for infidelity, violence and addictions.
So just don't get married if you don't have the ability to say, "I'm sorry" no matter what.
Do everyone a favor if you are unwilling to compromise and STAY SINGLE.
There is no crime in understanding yourself and making it clear to others that you know what you are and what you want. Just don't fool yourself and someone else and crank out a few kids and realize that, "Oh, my husband treats me like a doormat." Men WILL NEVER FULFILL ALL YOUR NEEDS FOR EMOTIONAL FEEDBACK!
And don't say, "My wife spends too much!" WOMEN WILL SPEND TO FILL THE EMOTIONAL HOLE SO TURN OFF THE TV AND LOOK IN HER EYES AND SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO HER! I think even five minutes a day would prevent most divorces.
Or you can get divorced and screw up your kids like most pigheaded people.
There are plenty of people without addictions that want families.
Thanks Mr. Blog. You rule. I have been wanting to talk about this for a long time.
Getting all these problems and concerns off my chest makes me feel so much better.
I have been so depressed since the funeral and I need to process so many things on my mind.
It is hard to be a woman business owner when you are incapacitated by overanalysis or illness or both. I need to get over this cold pronto!

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09 Flat Butts

That Patty really cheered me up yesterday. She had to go back to work last week after twenty years as a housewife.
She said she got dressed up for work and looked in the mirror and her butt was flat! Funny thing is I just noticed the same thing THIS WEEK! Like at 52 your butt just automatically goes flat. I remember ten years ago seeing ads in the Sunday paper for these foam butts for old ladies and I thought it was the funniest thing I ever saw. Now I need one myself! Bleh Mr. Blog, it's like reading glasses at 45 and hot flashes at fifty. I remember when I was a teenager thinking 50 year old women were the meanest thing in the world and now I know why. When I was 50 I had hot flashes every hour on the hour all night. Never slept more than an hour and boy was I ever a bitch on wheels. Forty seven to Fifty-two for me. I'm near done. Only a few a night. I don't mind turning into an old man. I get wiry hairs on my chin now but I'm not afraid of spiders anymore! I can squash them with ease with my bare hands or feet. So I guess not having hormones isn't all bad if I don't have to be so squeamish anymore.
So Monday Angela and I went to Starbucks across the street from my house. They got their pumpkin lattes in!!! Now that I'm done grieving my parents for the first time in seven years I can't wait for autumn and Halloween and every day! I'm so happy most of the time except when I think of Val and Marty. I try not to think of it too much but it is hard.
Molly to talk. I sure miss her. How heartbreaking for her to lose her best friend and sister-in-law both. It's just not right Mr. Blog. She was watching a special on TV about the 9/11/01 bombing of the World Trade Centers in New York so she was pretty emotional too. We talked about the funeral and reception and she is thinking about moving up to take care of Marty. We are worried about him. It's not right.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/10/09 DECA Blurb to Entice Advisers

Hi Mr. Blog. I'm feeling a little better today. I'm still sad about Val though. She is the first person to pass away from my extended high school group so I'm doing a lot of reflecting.
What gives my life meaning and that kind of thing. Bren says that she is doing hospice volunteer work again to get the feeling of purpose. Who is Bren? Oh, we met in 1972 at John Marshall junior high and became friends the following year. Most of my best friends from high school were too lazy to pick up the phone over the last thirty years but her. Bren and I talk everyday.
So She is encouraging me to get the business going so I can get paid at doing what I love.
I love to help people. I want to find as many ways to bring helpful products to market as possible. The PI said last week that I will live to be eighty so I only have twenty-seven years left to get all my designs made. I have about forty but I'd be satisfied with my top five.
The lady in charge of the DECA convention e-mailed me yesterday that today was the last day to send in my ad for my talk at the convention. It was hard to think cheerfully but I forced myself. I guess that is the thing I like the most about myself. My ability to force myself to do things I don't want to do when I know it will be good for me later. So I brought a copy of what I wrote her along to read you. Do you want to hear it? Okay. *Reads out loud*
The Intrepid Entrepreneur
Gretchen L. Nixon
Owner Nixpix Educational Products

Start-up shenanigans galore as Northshore and Shoreline school district substitute Gretchen Nixon gets fed up sitting by the phone waiting for work, and decides to go into business to keep busy on the “No Work” days.
With her business license and domain name in place she begins the process of taking six years worth of educational product designs to market. Copyrights, product testing on her kids and manufacturing are slow until she finds the perfect business partner in her friend Connie.
Witness an entertaining reenactment of their start up followed by a question and answer session that shows teens the joys and challenges of business start-up and operations:
Business start-up fundamentals:
1 Getting a business license
2 Getting a domain name
3 Taking an idea to a marketable product
4 Finding a mentor
5 Making connections or “How Gretchen got lost at Inglemoor high school parent night and ended up speaking at the state-wide DECA convention.”
Will Gretchen change the domain name www.http://nixpix.com after she finds out that the double Xs in nixpix flag her domain name as an adult site blocked by most school districts?
Will she find ambitious teens willing to lead an international search for the perfect jingle for nixpix on Youtube?
Will she manage to get version two of her driver's education game complete with the DOL director's suggestions by October 27th?
There is only one way to find out!
So what do you think Mr. Blog? Would you choose me over the marketing director for Nordstroms and Aflek and Microsoft? I will be happy if three people come and I will give them 150% of my ability to wow, charm and persuade them. I have a lot riding on this. I read their website cover to cover and found out that their are 10,000 teenagers in Washington State alone! That's a whole lotta teenagers Mr. Blog. I like teenagers. I think they are funny and entertaining. It is so fun to watch them transition from kids to adults. I think what surprises me is how young they are inside their giant bodies. One time at Bothell High, in the social studies class I was subbing for, the teens were so excited when I pulled out my sack of gummy bears that I had left from bribing kindergarteners the previous day. I couldn't believe it but you know what an opportunist I am! No one got anything until they finished their work. By the end of the day I had stacks of papers for the teachers. Not as much as the English classes but quite a few. Teens are just so much fun.