Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10 My Marriage is Like Making a Souffle and I Can't Follow the Recipe!

*Skips in merrily and plops on couch*
Wow, that was one long pity party I had Friday night
and Saturday and yesterday!
Glad that is over with.
They can take their half day kindergarten job
that they gave to a intern graduate and
go fly a kite with it! There.
Feels so good to let it go and move forward.
So I noticed lots of my friends have had relationship
problems and failures and I was thinking about how
I had terrible problems with relationships
until I met Terry.
My "just right" husband.
But there are so many times that I feel like
my marriage is like making a souffle and I
can't seem to follow the recipe!
Like how on earth can he enter and leave the house
without kissing me and saying, "I love you."
I have been trying to train him to do that
for twenty-four years now without success!
And how can he expect me to feel romantic
when he spent the entire previous day nagging
me about money and not having a job?!
Like I forgot everything he said?
I had to remind him of what our marriage counselor
in 1994 told us. He said,
"Always sit down for discussions and make sure
the TV is off and pretend Jesus is sitting there."
That image alone removes any mean words
and has been very effective.
But why does it have to be so hard Mr. Blog?

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