Sunday, April 11, 2010

4/11/2010 Crying in Rite Aid & BUMC Tea

*Skips in merrily*
Ahhh, I feel so much better today.
Right before I woke up yesterday I had this horrible nightmare.
I was sitting at the dining room table with three checkbook
registers and all of our accounts were overdrawn by $500.00.
I woke up and I was sweating and panting I was so upset.
Then I realized, yes, I DON'T have a full time job.
I think it was taking the census taker job test that triggered it.
I was so miserable that I could barely jump around
with my Jane Fonda tape and dress myself by noon.
The kids were watching TV downstairs and Terry was at work
so I had to think about what to do to cheer up and I
decided that doing something nice for someone else usually worked.
But I was so cold and tired and depressed that
I wanted to go back to bed.
I put on my batik travel outfit and white loafers
and went to Rite Aid and tried to make reprints
of the BUMC women's retreat to take to the tea.
I was so tired I couldn't think straight and I only had
twenty dollars Terry left so I could go to the tea and
I goofed up and tried to cancel the first order
and only use my $3.99 coupon.
Well, seventy pictures got printed and I told the
young man I could only afford the coupon special
and that he'd have to throw away my mistakes and he said,
"I can't see doing that."
Well, we walked up front and he asked Michelle
what to do and she just looked at my sad face and said,
"Let her keep the mistake and use the coupon."
I got all choked up that she was kind to me and
paid as fast as I could because my eyes started leaking
at her kindness. I was just overwhelmed that as
useless as I felt that anyone could value me at all.
She was admiring my off-white mohair
mushroom hat from Target a few years ago
and when mummy died and I had her matching hat so
I gave her mine and kept mummy's hat for me.
The Kenmore Rite Aid has the nicest employees in the world!
When Mabel locked her keys in her car a few months ago
in their parking lot, Ronnie and Dave dashed her to
my house so I could get the new locksmith Christopher,
to get into her car in the parking lot.
She had forgotten where her extra set of keys were
and I looked everywhere in her house and never found it
but at eighty-nine that is to be expected.
So I drove up to the church for the BUMC tea
and sat with three nice ladies I had seen but not met before
and then Eleanor Green came in and sat next to me.
I pretended she was my grandmother and doted on her
and held her hand and she liked that.
WOW. When it comes to food those church ladies
I was so stunned at the non-stop chow that for a minute
I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
I have gone back to water for dinner and one thousand calories
a day so you can just imagine how much I loved all those
tiny tea-sandwiches, and salad and scones with that lemon stuff
and an entire tray of itsy bitsy cookies and miniature cupcakes.
Well, I was happy that my church retreat carpool partner
Lynn, was the ring-leader for this big do.
She got right up there at the microphone and talked
about the history of the tea and how it is a mission fund-raiser.
I had thought about going to the tea for a decade but I always
thought that Pam and I would be doing all that stuff together
as old ladies. What a huge disappointment she has turned out
to be as a church buddy. And she found that church for us too!
Then she pulled her typical puny, weird crap and didn't
want to go because when she was sick I kept going without her
and started knowing more people and when she got better and came
back they said hi to me by name. Well, duh, Mr. Blog.
I wear my name tag!
Burns my butt that she can't just ever put my feelings
first and go to church with me. Like it's expensive or something. UGH!
So anyway, besides seeing Lynn from the retreat, I saw Jen,
Jeanne and Lorinda and Kathy Baker. I gave Kathy all the
reprints from the retreat because I didn't see her taking any
pictures there and she was the ring-leader of that gig.
I had a set for Pastor Laura with a thank you card for the
"Holding it All Together" seminar but she wasn't there so
I left it on the desk in the office.
I had the cutest close-up of her and Lynn.
I don't envy her job.
Mom was married to Lyle for many decades
and when I visited them in Pocatello, Colville, Malta and Orem,
there were sad jobs as part of that job. We'd take communion
to nursing homes and Lyle had to do memorials and things like that
and help with the saddest of sad times for people that believed.
Lynn introduced the guest speaker, master gardener
Barbara Flynn and she gave a hysterically funny
demonstration of potting flowers.
Everyone was highly interested and some people took notes.
I can barely dress myself these days so I don't want plants.
I tried to garden for years and years and no one would help
pull weeds or water so I ripped out my garden and put in a pool!
Smartest thing I ever did.
I had signed up for clean up after the tea so I started
racking up the chairs. Felt like I was back at scouts.
If I had a dime for every chair I'd racked up after
community events as a scout leader for ten years
I'd be a millionaire!
I asked Kathy Baker what we were raising funds for with
the tea party price and she told me it was for mission work.
I thought twelve dollars for tea was a fortune and I was happy
to hear that. I told her I wanted to go to Botswana and she said
to talk to Kristen because she went to Africa twice on missions!
Well, when I was storing the tiny topiary centerpieces she
was in the back room making some dough stuff in a big
bowl and I asked her about it and she said it was very
interesting and that I needed to go to United Methodist
website and surf around there.
We got that social hall all lickety-splitted up and
I met a nice lady named, bleh, starts with a G or J
and helped her carry her deceased aunts tea cups out to her car.
Then I went to the Kenmore Grocery Outlet Grand opening sale.
It had finally warmed up, much to my surprise, because it was
twenty-eight degrees when I got up and was hot and sunny.
The new store is BEAUTIFUL Mr. Blog and I ran into
Laurie Sperry right off the bat. I love her. She is just
a breath of fresh air on feet as far as I'm concerned.
I can't believe she can sit through those long, boring
tedious city council meetings! Ugh. I could never do that!
She had what I thought was a giant camping chair in her cart
and when I asked her about it she said it was a canopy.
She showed it to me and I was stunned because it is
EXACTLY what I need for my new career as a show vendor!
It is a ten by ten foot pop-up canopy with a
delightfully attractive navy blue fabric nylon top!!!
And get this Mr. Blog! They are only $49.99!
I am praying so hard there are some left there payday!
Laurie showed me that it comes with a cute stuff bag on wheels.
She is so nice.
I entered the drawing for free groceries for a year
and did a little prayer about that since the teens are eating us
out of house and home.
When I went outside, I was admiring the fruit display and told
the employee I loved the new store and needed to send my son
over to get a job and he said, "Send him over!"
Then I went to the new Kenmore Dollar Tree store and ran
into Laurie again and invited her to go look at the trail I
want improved and she said she'd like that so we wrote
out a rain-check for a coffee trail investigation date.
When I got home I decided to mail Suzanne and Auntie Jean
and Heidi and Cousin Carolyn letters with some Easter pictures
but I got distracted with the United Methodist Mission website
and then Teddy wanted to watch The Matrix with me.
It was my favorite movie when it came out and I hadn't watched
it for twenty years. I love the cool special effects but now that
I'm older it gave me nightmares. Everything gives me nightmares!
Hahahahha. Brenny called right after I went to bed and filled
me in on Tony and Mel's wedding. It stopped pouring right
before the wedding. Thank God since it was outside.
She told me Tom is taking off for two weeks to Arizona to learn
how to install solar panels and she invited me out.
Well, that cheered me up considerably but I told her
Terry wouldn't send me again after sending me twice in six months.
She said she might buy me a ticket and I told her I'm in.
She has bought me tickets many times in the past that I
paid back but I owe too much cash on my business to do that.
I think she probably will and I'll find out later today.
Cheers me up thinking about it.
No such thing as too much Hawaii.

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