Sunday, May 30, 2010

5/30/2010 The Scrubbing of the Gravestones

*Walks in tiredly and lies down*
Bleh Mr. Blog.
Good thing I feel better or I could have never
made it through today.
I felt pretty cheery to go to church
after missing the last two weeks.
I got to sit by Mary and my other
home girls, Char, Fran, Carol and the rest.
I can't believe I missed Pentacost last Sunday but I did.
Today was still Pentacost kick-off season
and they had extra music and singers and a band
and Steve Tarr and Laura Bolger did a great job.
It was good I felt cheery
because when I picked up my next-door neighbor,
Mabel, she was looking pretty sad.
We started at her daughter Donna's grave
in the Acacia children's section.
She lived from 1953 to 1957
and we both cried over her grave.
Mabel always likes to talk to her
and I don't mind.
Mabel was glad I brought SOS pads
because the marker was pretty dirty.
She had Leukemia before they invented treatments.
Then we moved on to Arky's parents
and his brother and wife Pauline's.
Arky was in the Coast Guard and got buried
at sea in a military service.
Mabel's mom had died when she was a girl
of fifteen still living on the farm in
Minnesota and her dad is buried back there too.
I scrubbed up all the Barmuta gravestones
while she fixed up all the flowers.
Mabel and I are such a good team.
We just kept working and
remembering everyone
and talking about them.
I asked one of the grounds men if
my Auntie Ann was there yet with
Uncle Dick and he said she was
still in the waiting room.
I was very sad because my Cousin Susie
has been very ill and I can't get her
or cousin Debbie on the phone.
We need to get Susie better before we
can have Auntie's service.
It just makes me so sad.
I loved my auntie.
Our last stop was Mom and Lyle's
grave up against the laurel hedge
at the top of the Birch garden.
I scrubbed and polished it up and was happy to see
that the people had finally put in their
in-ground flower vase after I reminded
them politely the last three years I visited.
Well, it was horrible Mr. Blog.
After four years of waiting for the vase,
It was jammed and wouldn't unscrew and pull out.
I tried to loosen it with my garden scissors for
ten minutes until my hands were red and aching.
Finally I squatted down and pulled with
all my strength and the vase didn't budge
but the entire earth around it gave way
and the holder that is supposed to stay
in the ground popped out and I staggered
and almost fell over backwards!
Thank goodness no one was around.
A grounds man came over and looked
at me questioningly and I just held it up
and said I was sorry.
He said I could just leave the flowers on the grass
and they'd take care of everything for me.
So, for the forth year in a row
I didn't get to put mummy's flowers
in her vase.
I can't tell you how relieved I was go get home
Mr. Blog! I told Terry what we did
and he said it was too sad to hear about.
I saw Tom Lambert had called and I was worried
someone had died, cause that's all I could think
I called him and asked him if someone died and he said,
"Yes, but I don't know who, they do it all the time!"
Well he is right Mr. Blog and he got me laughing
and invited us down for a bar-b-q later.
Seeing my old friends Tom and Aimee always
cheers me up considerably
so I'll just take a nap
and try to recover a bit
and go get some,
"Friendship therapy."

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