Saturday, May 8, 2010

5/8/2010 Mugo Pine Pollen Perfume

*Twirls in wearing red muu muu and pink flip flops*
Ahhh, Mr. Blog.
My trusted of trusted friends.
What a perfect day!
I found a lovely folding chair at Saint Vincent DePaul for $3.00!
Oh bargain of bargains! It has a super-cushy seat
that makes me ache for the fair!
That softness on my butt as I open sack after sack
of candy in the wee hours of the morning.
Softness that caresses me as I think of the smiling new and old faces
that I will see at the fair.
Happy smiles.
People like free candy.
So sissy went with me to the Juanita Row party store
and I found white plastic table clothing that is perfect
for the sides and back of my booth.
If I have time after set up, I'm adding a prototype display on one side.
So many prototypes, so little time.
Sissy and I had the most delightful Mexican lunch
at our favorite spot by the party store.
Then she helped me in the bright sun on my deck!
We repainted my entire NIXPIX sign and from a distance
no one will ever know it was made
from two sheets of cardboard joined with
automotive adhesive
and Mabel's yardsticks spray painted black.
The sun was hot and we played pop music
and watched with amusement as Teddy and Michael
jumped in the icy pool repeatedly.
Silly teenagers!
At three I grabbed my water and my new
Alexander McCall Smith book,
"The Sunday Philosophy Club"
and went to my drive way.
The sun was scrumptious!
The way only Seattle sun can be.
After months and months and months of gloom and cold
one day it is sunny.
The rest is forgotten like a bad boyfriend.
So, I had to move my lawn chair four times to stay in the sun.
But is was worth it.
I love my new book.
I didn't think I would.
It took me three chapters to fall in love, but I did.
I would love to meet Alexander McCall Smith
and hug him.
I would like to absorb his bad music
and love of loyalty
and wear his appreciation of morality for a dress.
It is a Godless, moraless, violent world now.
I hate it but my own sons
munch violence like potato chips with a
vigor and enjoyment.
So back to my perfume or
on to my perfume...
I sat under the Mugo pines with the pollen wafting down on me
and created the recipe for the perfect perfume I would wear.
Since menopause,
I can't stand any perfume of any kind whatsoever.
I used to love Chanel 22!
So here is what I would wear.
Mugo Pine Pollen Perfume Ingredients:
Mugo pine pollen
hot cat fur in the sun
sissy's bar-b-cued chicken from the Smokey Joe
suntanning flesh
lots of quality book paper
intellectual excitement (from my latest book)
Wall Street Journal
and a dash of yellow spray paint (very small dash)
Doesn't that sound good Mr. Blog?
I'll bet you'd leave out the spray paint and put in cigars!
So thanks for letting me share that with you.
You're the best!

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