Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/12/2012 The Last First Day of School Picture

I checked my camera to make sure the batteries were good and the new chip was installed. I took out Troy's little School Days Book I had bought when he started kindergarten. It now bulges with thirteen years of report cards tucked neatly into the pouches along with class pictures, scout certificates, sport pictures, choir programs and other miscellaneous stuff I tucked in. Movie ticket stubs when I remembered to save them including from the time I took his seventh grade scout patrol to see Will Smith in that scary movie, I Am Legend, where people turned into bat-like creatures. I screamed like crazy and he never went to a movie with me again after that. As I leafed through the pages, I paused at his first grade picture. He is wearing a tiny sport coat and tie and his eyes are in a huge bug-eye position. I remember when he came home with his first grade picture. His eyes were closed. Two weeks later we got a picture retake notice and went into the bathroom so he could look in the full length mirror and practice keeping his eyes open. He opened them so wide that he looked like he'd seen a ghost. We laughed and laughed and laughed. As he went out the door to the school bus with his dad, I called out to him, "Don't forget to keep your eyes open!" He turned and opened his eyes as wide as they could go and yelled back, "Like this mommy?!" He knew I would laugh and was rewarded appropriately. As I look at his little School Days Book, I always turn to that page. His first grade picture with that frozen startled expression. I can still hear his voice. "Like this mommy?!"