Monday, June 22, 2009

Business Start Up Blog
2006 After three years of substitute teaching I did not get a full time job. I had carried mail for the post office ten years and spent eight years as a Continental Airlines flight attendant and was about 20 years older than most new hire teachers. My friend Bev had her son come over after school when she was taking classes and I played Gin Latin with him. He raved about it to her. He was 13 then and in the middle of the age group I was designing the game for.
One day, when she picked him up, I was whining about being jobless. She suggested I do something with the game. For Christmas she gave me $500.00 with a note of encouragement to start a business.
I called a friend of Terry's in the business world and asked him for advice. He told me to go to Go Daddy for help buying the domain name I wanted. I told him I had filled two notebooks with educational product designs and was eager to get started.
He told me to slow down. I told him that I wanted to be the Nordstroms of the internet. An e-store that was friendly and personal. I told him I wanted provide free birthday cards for grandmothers buying products for their grandkids. He asked me if I wanted to make cash or provide warm fuzzies. I told him I intended to do both.
2007 With the $500.00 I bought the name Nixpix Educational Products in Washington state and got a business license. I filled out forms and applied and paid for the Women's Business Enterprise status. I found a graphic artist, Steve Prestek who started work on Gin Latin. He was the ex-next-door neighbor of my ex-dog Susie's new owner and friend, Ruth Yeaman.
I ran out of cash.
I talked Terry into borrowing $1,000.00 to buy the domain name Half my friends told me I was crazy to pay that much but the other half said to follow my heart. I followed my heart. I could have had or .org for five dollars.
I could not get a business loan because I did not have any way to make payments on a loan without a full time job. I fluctuated between ambition to work on new products and immobilizing depression.
The name Nixpix came from when I was subbing at Kenmore Junior High in the spring of 2006 in honors English. I wanted to jot names of books for the kids that I thought they would enjoy on the blackboard. I was short on time to write, "Mrs. Nixon's Picks" and wrote Nix Pix.
2008 I got a long term substitute job and paid for four more copyrights. I gave half the money I earned to my graphic artist and helped Terry pay bills with the other half. Gin Latin got done at the graphic artist in June and was ready to go to the printer. I ran out of cash for the printer. Summer came and I set up a Nixpix office in my living room.

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