Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9/1/2010 The Convertible, Amphibious Boeing 727

This dream was a doozy!
It was SO REAL!
Listen to this story and tell me what you think.
I was working a flight for Continental out of Cleveland Hopkins airport,
which I often did in the early 90s.
We took off after lunch and arrived over California at sunset.
As we came down through the puffy decidious trees
I was thinking that the captain had the plane way too low because we were
cruising around five hundred feet then fifty though the leafy branches!
I was standing in the aisle looking out the windows at the branches.
I closed my eyes because I thought we were going to crash
and when I opened them I had the biggest thrill!
The plane, an old, skanky 727, had been modified into a convertible!
I was standing above the passengers and we were going really slow,
like around twenty knots!
I was smiling like crazy because
it was awesome cool!
The plane had been customized so that the fuselage stopped at
shoulder height for the passengers that were seated
which meant it was at waist height for me as I stood the aisle.
We came out of the trees at about twenty feet
above the Pacific Ocean and the pilots gingerly
landed us on the water but
increased the speed up a bit to thirty knots and gradually lowered us to
about ten knots.
Oh my God Mr. Blog!
You should have seen the gorgeous coastline of bright orange gentle hills
rising above the ocean!
It was by far the most spectacular thing I have ever
seen in my life.
I was so happy.
I was standing up still for landing because the speed was low enough
that I didn't need to get in my jumpseat.
We just gently went along the coast for a half hour until the hill
had some old stone steps we could see.
We were too close to the edge of the hill to see what was on top.
All the passengers
then the crew deplaned and Brenda was there.
She got off last and went up the steps
and then on the sloping orange hill in her white wedding dress
and I yelled, "Wait! I want to take your picture!"
She turned and did some poses with her arms outreached
and I took two pictures
and then realized everyone was gone up the steps!
I grabbed my Travelpro bag and had a terrible time climbing out
on the watery stone steps.
After climbing up them
I came to our hotel
which looked a lot like
a cross between the hotel in the movie, "Moma Mia"
and a miniature Hogwarts castle.
It was so awesome Mr. Blog,
I wish you could have seen it.
When I arrive at the dark brown antique counter
to check in, the clerk tells me the hotel
was short rooms so the rest of the crew got
sent to a regular hotel down the road.
I tell the clerk I'm really tired from working the long flight
and he says I can stay in the hotel but all they have left is
a turret room.
I go upstairs and into the turret room
and my mouth falls open.
It is covered in old tapestries
and has an old gray stone floor.
I walk to the windows and look out.
The room is hanging slightly over the ocean
so when I look North,
I see the gorgeous California
coastline at sunset.
It is dry hills that soak up the oranges and then reds
and I can't believe the beauty.
The room is octagonal and about
three hundred square feet and it
seems too big for me.
I go back to the front desk and ask if they
have anything smaller.
They say they have a mini-turret I can look at.
I walk up a small stair case into
a little turret room
but it is all modern looking with smoked
glass windows, like a tiny modern hotel room
so I go back and say I'll keep my room.
I go back to my wonderful turret room
and start worrying about missing
the crew in the morning for working
the outbound flight.
Then I woke up.
What do you make of that Mr. Blog?
*Looks at him*
When Brenda called she said that it is a
sign that the cruise ship is going to hire me.
I just laughed because I'm probably
a few decades too old to be a new hire for them too.
But you know what I would do if I could Mr. Blog?
This is if I had the cash.
I'd pop down to Arizona where they have the plane bone yard
and buy myself all the 727s they have.
Then I'd have them converted into amphibious convertibles
and have the engines modified so they didn't pollute the air
and I'd start Gretch Air airlines.
I'd hire all the jobless people in the world
so everyone could have a job
and a home.

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