Friday, June 11, 2010

6/11/2010 Brookside Elementary Field Day

*Skips in merrily and flops on couch*
Hi Mr. Blog!
Did you miss me?
I had so much fun the last two days subbing
at Brookside Elementary!
I was in the Contained Learning Center
so I was with another grown up, Dona.
She is the paraeducator that works with
half the kids. It is so fun subbing
there since I've known most of the kids
since they were little.
We covered lots of curriculum yesterday
and this morning and guess what?!
The PTA made us lunch. They have like the
best PTA in the world there.
They had decorated the entire staff room with
Race Car things for the theme:
Race to the Finish!
Hahaha. It was so cute.
But it gets better...
After lunch was field day!
I was especially happy since our class went with
Patty's class. She has the fourth graders
and I knew most of them from last year
when I was subbing for Michelle a lot.
I was surprised I remembered all their names
since I haven't run into them since last June!
They had all the standard field day games like
tug-of-war and gunny sack races and a few I hadn't seen.
In the gym they made carts and the kids had teams to
push the teachers around a track and get timed.
My team was full of crazy nine year old boys and
I told them to run fast,
cause I was a tough old sub.
They pushed my cart so fast I thought
we'd get a speeding ticket.
What a rush!
I laughed my head off.
They also had a team challenge with spray bottles of water
where one person with the spray bottle is blindfolded
and the other person steers them.
I went out and let them attack me and they loved that.
Then the dad running the game brought me a
water bottle to defend myself.
I was laughing so hard and we were so wet!
It got warm and sunny for the first time
in weeks and our last two activities gave us a chance
to dry off a bit.
They had oversized intertubes that made the kids
look like huge doughnuts with heads and feet.
They kind of bumped into each other
and fell over and rolled around.
It looked super fun!
Then we did a money relay.
The kids ran across the field to 5 gallon plastic tubs
that were filled with photocopied real money
of all denominations and they could only take one bill
and run back so the team with the highest cash won.
They loved it and I nearly cried seeing how kind
the regular ed kids were to all our special ed kids.
I've subbed there so long that I've known
most of the kids since kindergarten
and they are some of the finest people in the world.
Plus the teachers and staff are so nice to us subs and the
new principal is too. They treat us like real people
and don't look down on us like they do at some schools.
I mean, it's horrible not having a full time job
but it sure makes it worse when the staff is unfriendly.
At Brookside everyone is fantastic!
I can't imagine how wonderful it must be
to have a job there.
I'm just glad for the best two days of my sub career.
I feel really happy.

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