Wednesday, June 9, 2010

6/9/2010 Menopause The Musical, Edmonds Performing Arts Center

*Walks in slowly and flops down*
Hi Mr. Blog,
I saw the funniest show I have ever seen
in my entire life last night over at the
Edmonds Performing Arts Center.
I went to see, "Menopause The Musical"
with my Kenmore home-girls Bev and Connie.
I never laughed so hard in my entire life
and it was perfect timing since
our water main repair bill wiped us out.
I'm selling my stamp collection for
food money next week.
So the musical had four main characters:
The businesswoman, hippie, preppy and drama queen.
Each character represented stereotypical American
women that would be affected by, "The Change"
in different ways.
The horrendous physical and mental effects were poked fun at
with nothing being held sacred.
I felt so validated after laughing at
sleeplessness, memory loss, mood swings,
age discrimination for employment and hot flashes.
The point of the musical is that women gain wisdom as they age.
While our culture celebrates youth and beauty,
our insides ARE more important than our outsides.
One song was even about valuing our insides over our outsides.
Oh how I felt so less alone.
I felt bonded with my friends and the audience.
I felt embraced by my culture for the first time in years.
I know that I have been discriminated against because of my age
for being hired as a full time teacher.
Time to move on and get a job at Grocery Outlet.
I will not be the first person to flush $40,000.00
for a University of Washington degree
down the toilet that leads no where.
While I can't get hired as a full time teacher
at fifty-three, I can get hired at the store.
I can make shoppers feel valued and cherished
and get my ogre of a husband off my back
for being jobless.
I can accept that my maturity and wisdom
and kindness will benefit my community.
Someday, when Gin Latin goes global,
I will look back on these very dark
days and laugh.

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