Thursday, December 24, 2009

12/23/09 The Garage Sale

*Walks in and lies down*
Hi Mr. Blog. Are you ready for Christmas?
I am. We have up our fresh tree and garland in the picture window.
I woke up yesterday thinking I should have a garage sale.
Took me four hours to get up my garden canopy and get it all decorated with Christmas lights.
It is so cute! You'll have to stop by. I put it in the driveway up on the road.
I ran a 50foot orange extension cord out the bathroom window
for power and so I have lights and a hot water pot and a radio!
I put my best reindeer tablecloth over my folding banquet table and my best china
with hot cocoa and tea and cider packets. It looks so festive, especially at night!
I hope you'll stop by. Patty stopped by this morning and brought me a cute sweater
and a Starbucks latte! Wow! She has turned out to be the best friend in the world.
I can't believe I've known her since 1966, forty-eight years now. Since Bryant grade school.
She bought a driving game for her one son that isn't driving yet. I forget which one.
I have high hopes for last minutes sales tomorrow on Christmas eve.
I have to dash to the store for a few things to go with the ham and I hope to
start work at noon.
Yesterday I did all my Christmas cards while waiting for customers.
Only one person besides Patty stopped by.
A nice new senior neighbor named Claire. She was going for a walk on the trail.
Oh, and my sister Pam stopped by later and said it looked like a little circus!
Hahahaha. My life with Terry and Troy and Teddy IS a circus.
Those teens are darn cute and funny and always doing silly stuff.
I'll miss them when they move out.
Pam wanted to buy a NIXPIX t-shirt but I only had them up for display
because you have to buy them from the website.
I was pretty excited since I got her one for Christmas and she doesn't know it.
My neighbor Darcy drove past in her cool truck and yelled out the window,
"What the hell are you doing?!"
She is such a card.
I told her I was having a garage sale and she said you are supposed to have them in summer like she does in August. She said it was thirty degrees out and no one would stop in the freezing
weather. Well, Patty and Claire and sissy stopped so it was worth freezing to death all day.

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