Sunday, December 27, 2009

12/27/09 The Kiss

*Bounces in and lies down*
Good morning Mr. Blog! Don't you just love this sun today?!
It is so pretty and the days are finally getting longer.
Guess what? I slept great. You can probably tell.
I do my heaviest sleeping between 3-7am and usually Terry gets up at 4:30am
and clomps around like an elephant and wakes me up so I'm cranky all morning.
But not today! I slept great right up until seven and I feel like a million bucks!
So I'm in the kitchen getting coffee and Terry walks right up to me and leans over and
Now how good is that?!
For twenty four years now I have been the one to walk up to him for a kiss
and out of the blue he strides right over like Edward Cullen and plants one on me!
What a great husband!
I am so inspired to work harder on my business now so I can earn the money
to pay off our house.
That way when Terry wakes up he can have the option of going to work or not.
When I was at Woodbadge leadership training with 2007 it was like fifty men and five women.
In my patrol, David, Kevin and Brent were all Eagle Scouts and very competitive.
But the general knowledge I learned from hanging out with them for a week
was that they all feel the pressure to take care of their families.
That was something I had never been exposed to.
The weight of taking care of a family.
So anyway, my personal goal now is to get my business blazing away with sales
and lift that wieght off my husband's shoulders
because he gave me a nice little kiss.

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