Thursday, April 15, 2010

4/15/10 Band Camp in Ireland Job

*Walks in cheerfully and lies down*
What an odd dream I had this morning Mr. Blog.
I got hired to teach at band camp in Ireland and I was living
with my brother-in-law Mathew and his friend Yair.
I don't even know how to read music so what a strange job for me!
Plus I have only met Mathew and Yair a few times since
they live in Ireland.
But I have always wanted to go to Ireland since some of my
ancestors were from there and I was a huge fan of all the
James Herriot books when they came out years ago.
So, in the dream, I'm in their house while they are at work.
It is modern-looking with cedar paneling and big windows on the
back looking out on a green, forested ravine.
I didn't have to work until the next day so I was wandering
around looking for something helpful to do and I
found an office that had a new, modern-looking sewing machine.
I saw some pants next to it that needed mending and I was just
starting to mend them when I woke up.
What do you make of that Mr. Blog?
What a busy day today was Mr. Blog! It was Terry's day off so I made
enough ham and eggs, fried potatoes with cheddar cheese and toast
for five people. He was quite pleased since I hadn't spoken to him in days
since he was nagging me about money again the other day.
It was like the first, most totally glorious day of spring so
we went across the street to Starbucks for coffee.
They had put in sumptuous new armchairs by the fireplace and we
lucked out and got two! It was free coffee day for Earth Day if you
brought your own cup and I had a delightful iced coffee.
We still hate Mr. Schultz but not enough to turn down free coffee!
We chatted and then walked to the new Grocery Outlet store.
I showed Terry the pop-up vendor tents that are on sale for $59.00
and he said I could buy one tomorrow on payday. There were only two
left so I'll be praying that one is left tomorrow morning when I get there!
My booth will look so spiffy at the University District Street Fair
next month with my fancy-pants booth!
I can't wait for the fair!
I have been in sales withdrawal for weeks now and thought about
looking for a sales-junkie twelve step program.
When I tried to sell games on the sidewalk across the street from
Marcia Procter's house to some teenagers Patty just about
died from embarrassment but I couldn't control my need to sell.
I was Jonesing for for it!
Patty told me I should go sell houses or cars if I loved to sell that much,
but it isn't just about just selling anything.
My addiction runs much, much deeper than that.
It's about selling a product that I think makes learning a
difficult subject fun! It's hard to explain!
I want to sell something I have made to help people have fun.
I hope I don't sound crazier than usual.
I was sad for years when my parents died and it is weird
to feel like my old self for the first time in seven years.
It's like I missed seven years of living because of grieving
and now I want to cram seven years of fun into one day!
I'm so excited about everything again that I was down the hall before
I came in visiting with the Amtrack salesman!
I had an entire train trip planned for August for me and Terry and
the kids to Utah to visit Chuck and Raylene Naftzger!
I couldn't think about them for years without crying because
Raylene was my mom's best friend and it was just too painful.
Of course we can't afford it and they probably couldn't stand our kids,
but it was darn fun to daydream.
Can you believe that round-trip tickets for four are only
one thousand dollars?!
Well, there is always next summer and we are all in perfect health
so there is no rush.
The website had pictures of the fancy-pants sleeper chairs
and schematics of the sleeping cars.
Now wouldn't that be super-fun?!
To have your own room on a train?!
Nothing sounds more fun than that to me
and when Gin Latin goes global, I'm buying Amtrack
tickets with sleeping rooms from coast to coast!
Doesn't that sound fun Mr. Blog?!
*Sees him sleeping and tiptoes out*

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