Friday, April 23, 2010

4/25/10 Hopping Mad/Botswana Safari

*prances in merrily and flops on couch*
Oh! I was SO MAD yesterday Mr. Blog. I went to pick up
a student where I was subbing and saw this young man at
the door of the classroom. I asked his if he was student teaching
and he said, "No I just started my long term sub job today."
He looked about twenty two and right out of teaching college.
I have socks older than that man Mr. Blog!
I had subbed at that school for five years too.
I was so angry and when I got home I got a tiny bit teary
at the injustice of it all.
But, I'm over it and glad to be me and have my perfect life.
I have a way better life than I deserve, that's for sure.
I mean, I am such a total bitch sometimes
and I can nag with the best of them.
I remove the kids X-360 at the drop of a hat
and don't visit my Auntie Jean near as much as I should.
It occurred to me that a twenty seven month stint in the Peace Corps
might be too long. What if Troy got married and had a baby
and I missed the entire thing?! Well, he might not mind but
what if he did? I think there is a maternal law about that kind of thing.
So after reading, "The Double Comfort Safari" a few days ago,
it occurred to me to that there might be pictures on the internet of
Botswana safaris. Turns out safaris are big business Africa and
my friend Marta Moody Collins just got back from a safari in Kenya!
She showed me her 182 pictures and they were absolutely marvelous!
She is so cute too! You should have seen her in 1966 Mr. Blog.
Her mom, Wanda, used to but her hip-length dark hair in ringlets.
I'll have to dig out a picture of us that year in our matching
white go go boots. We'd dance all around her bedroom to
Nancy Sinatra's song, "These Boots Are Made For Walking.
Oh, we thought we were very tough when we were ten.
She had every toy ever made and our favorite were
Creepy Crawlers. We'd go in the basement and make them for hours.
Her mom was so nice to me. In the morning before we walked to school
she'd always let me take peanuts out to the yard for the squirrels.
Their little black dog, Scocie, would go absolutely crazy at the window.
The only mother daughter activity I ever went on with another
mother and daughter was when Wanda and Mom took us to
see, "The Sound of Music." We sang and sang and sang after
we saw that movie. It was a big hit in 1966 when it came out.
So, back to Botswana. If Marta was brave enough to go to Kenya,
I should be able to rally up to go to Botswana.
The ONLY snag is I don't have a job.
Hmmm. I could really get to Botswana fast if I finally got
a teaching job. I love the way it sounds! BOT SWAN A!
Like I DA HO! Lyle had a tee-shirt once with pictures of a man
and his mouth was pronouncing I DA HO. It was really funny
and I hated it but I wish he was alive so I could see him
wearing that awful shirt.
Well, thanks for letting me share my drivel with you
Mr. Blog.
You are the best!

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