Sunday, April 18, 2010

4/18/10 Trail Trials and Vendor Tent

*Walks in happily and lies down*
What a pretty sunny day Mr. Blog. I love sunshine and don't
understand how I can be a Seattle native as much as I hate rain.
I didn't sleep much so I was dragging all day but I forced myself
to go to church and I was glad I did because Mary was there.
I can't believe I forgot her last name. It'll come to me.
She is from Port Angeles and so a bunch of her homies
came out last week to celebrate her birthday with her.
She said they went to the downtown Seattle Ivars.
I LOVE Ivars Fish and Chips! Yum. Yum.
Did I ever tell you I used to deliver his mail when I worked
out of the Magnolia post office? What a cute little post office that
was right on Main Street in 1978. I'll be they replaced it by now.
So Laura Bolger did a bang up job with that sermon about Peter
and going fishing and Jesus inviting them to breakfast.
It is way more fun going to church since I went to the
women's retreat and the ladies' tea. I know way more
people than I did even one year ago.
All the people there are so warm and friendly and I totally forgot
to tell you last week that Stephen Tarr did my favorite sermon
about Doubting Thomas. Those that believe without seeing...
You know what Mr. Blog? I do have Faith that the world and all the people
and animals are going to work out harmoniously.
So I got home and did chores and looked up the latest
on the park behind our house. Oh God what a nightmare!
They plan to remove all the blackberries right behind my house
and put in a raised boardwalk trail right there.
After three years of road construction while they renovated Highway 522
right in front of my house, the city plans to construct a trail right behind
my house! I know I told you this before but they said they'd update
the plan after the majority of people voted for a perimeter trail
down to the river. Liars. I'm so calling every single council member
to find out which trail they support then I'm only voting for the members
that push for the river trail. When Laurie and I went down there last
week, I was in awe of the beauty of that river!
Well, I got myself in a worry party and decided to take a nap
but I was too upset at the prospect of the trail next to my house
to sleep last night or this afternoon.
I dragged my new tent out and set it up and it looked wonderful
but it is 10x10 and I can't remember if my booth is 10x10 or 8x8.
It is an awesome design and I would like to thank the person that designed it.
It is like an old-school accordion style drying rack only with legs
and the top is attached on with velcro. It even comes with a darling
wheeled carrying case. Oh God, Mr. Blog.
If I could sell the last four hundred games I'd come home with
eight thousand dollars and could get caught up on my business
loans. I'm trying not to panic but it DOES take money
to make money. Lots of it too.
So I'm just tossing out all my worries into a big wooden bucket.
The old-fashioned kind with slats and wires.
It weighs a ton with all my worries but
I'm going to lift with my knees, not with my back
like they trained me at the post office in 1978.
I'm going to carefully lift it up and handed it right up to God.
God will know what to do about the trail
and my tent and my marraige.
Because he is God and
I have faith.

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