Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/22/10 RHS/Earth Day/Double Comfort Safari

*Skips in merrily and perches on edge of chair*
Hi Mr. Blog. Happy Earth Day!
I just got called to work this afternoon so I'd better be quick.
I picked up Margo and took her to Mimi's law office in Wedgewood
the night before last for her 35Th Roosevelt high school reunion
planning meeting. I asked to be removed from the committee because
I had this idea my business would take off and I'd be too busy to
work on the committee but as it turned out, it didn't.
So it was fun to see Mimi and sit in her swanky law office and look
at her important-looking law books covering one whole wall!
Marta and Louie, Lisa and Marcia were there so that was fun
and Stephanie Cobb Winegard and Michelle Moyes were there.
I hadn't seen them since the last reunion so that was really fun.
Mimi had Jeanne Hsu on the speaker-phone which was very exciting!
I felt like we were Charlie's Angels getting our assignments!
They have some UW faculty snazzy place overlooking Husky Stadium
and the water all lined up and fancy-pants food in place.
Geez they are all so smart and ambitious and nice and funny.
I handed Marta my camera to take one picture of the group working
and she went to take a close up of me sitting next to her.
I jumped up and put her in a half Nelson for fun and grabbed my
camera. I hope she isn't mad at me and as usual I was totally
inappropriate wrestling at the meeting. I excel at that.
So yesterday, I met with the head of the Kenmore Park department
and the biologist leading the Earth Day clean up in the park
next to our house Saturday and we walked all around the park.
I showed them that where they planned to clean up was right
underneath sissy's window and that she was having an
anxiety attack over workers coming there when she is home
on Saturday. They decided not to work right there after
I told them about her many, many health problems.
I told Bill my main worry was homeless people peering
in our yard if they take out all the blackberries and he said that
a privacy fence was a totally reasonable request of the City.
Before the blackberries filled in Mr. Blog, we always had
homeless people getting off the bus in front of our house
from Seattle in the summer and sleeping behind and next to
our property. Terry didn't mind but it gave me the creeps!
So thinking we will get a privacy fence made me very excited
about the new park! I wish I hadn't sent the landscape designers
hate mail about putting the trail behind my house because now
I really like the idea and Bill Evans certainly won't hire me after that.
I'm such an idiot sometimes! Okay, most of the time it seems.
Well, on the brightest, bright side, I got my brand new
Alexander McCall Smith book Tuesday down at 3rd Place Books
called, "The Double Comfort Safari." I finished it last night and it
was like a mental hot bubble-bath.
It was funny when I was walking to the check out at Third Place Books
and a lady saw my book and exclaimed over it. I stopped and showed
it to her because they hadn't put it out on the shelves yet
and the saleslady had to go to the back room to get it for me.
She said she was a huge fan of the series and said she couldn't
wait to find out what Madame Ramotswe was up to.
Well, I never knew how to pronounce her name so it was
very delightful to hear it said out loud! That was a nice lady.
I love, love, loved that book and now I want to go on that
safari up there in North Botswana when Bren and I go.
We will finish our Peace Corps job in 2017 in Botswana so
we can just head up there before we fly back home.
I dreamed I was on that safari in the canoe on that river.
Ohhhh, scary and dangerous and so exciting! Can't wait.
I had a million things planned to do today but I have to
be a work in an hour so I'd better dash.

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