Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/10/09 DECA Blurb to Entice Advisers

Hi Mr. Blog. I'm feeling a little better today. I'm still sad about Val though. She is the first person to pass away from my extended high school group so I'm doing a lot of reflecting.
What gives my life meaning and that kind of thing. Bren says that she is doing hospice volunteer work again to get the feeling of purpose. Who is Bren? Oh, we met in 1972 at John Marshall junior high and became friends the following year. Most of my best friends from high school were too lazy to pick up the phone over the last thirty years but her. Bren and I talk everyday.
So She is encouraging me to get the business going so I can get paid at doing what I love.
I love to help people. I want to find as many ways to bring helpful products to market as possible. The PI said last week that I will live to be eighty so I only have twenty-seven years left to get all my designs made. I have about forty but I'd be satisfied with my top five.
The lady in charge of the DECA convention e-mailed me yesterday that today was the last day to send in my ad for my talk at the convention. It was hard to think cheerfully but I forced myself. I guess that is the thing I like the most about myself. My ability to force myself to do things I don't want to do when I know it will be good for me later. So I brought a copy of what I wrote her along to read you. Do you want to hear it? Okay. *Reads out loud*
The Intrepid Entrepreneur
Gretchen L. Nixon
Owner Nixpix Educational Products

Start-up shenanigans galore as Northshore and Shoreline school district substitute Gretchen Nixon gets fed up sitting by the phone waiting for work, and decides to go into business to keep busy on the “No Work” days.
With her business license and domain name in place she begins the process of taking six years worth of educational product designs to market. Copyrights, product testing on her kids and manufacturing are slow until she finds the perfect business partner in her friend Connie.
Witness an entertaining reenactment of their start up followed by a question and answer session that shows teens the joys and challenges of business start-up and operations:
Business start-up fundamentals:
1 Getting a business license
2 Getting a domain name
3 Taking an idea to a marketable product
4 Finding a mentor
5 Making connections or “How Gretchen got lost at Inglemoor high school parent night and ended up speaking at the state-wide DECA convention.”
Will Gretchen change the domain name www. after she finds out that the double Xs in nixpix flag her domain name as an adult site blocked by most school districts?
Will she find ambitious teens willing to lead an international search for the perfect jingle for nixpix on Youtube?
Will she manage to get version two of her driver's education game complete with the DOL director's suggestions by October 27th?
There is only one way to find out!
So what do you think Mr. Blog? Would you choose me over the marketing director for Nordstroms and Aflek and Microsoft? I will be happy if three people come and I will give them 150% of my ability to wow, charm and persuade them. I have a lot riding on this. I read their website cover to cover and found out that their are 10,000 teenagers in Washington State alone! That's a whole lotta teenagers Mr. Blog. I like teenagers. I think they are funny and entertaining. It is so fun to watch them transition from kids to adults. I think what surprises me is how young they are inside their giant bodies. One time at Bothell High, in the social studies class I was subbing for, the teens were so excited when I pulled out my sack of gummy bears that I had left from bribing kindergarteners the previous day. I couldn't believe it but you know what an opportunist I am! No one got anything until they finished their work. By the end of the day I had stacks of papers for the teachers. Not as much as the English classes but quite a few. Teens are just so much fun.

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