Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16/09 My Hero Mike Kelley

I have been thinking about a presentation that Mike Kelley made up at Camp Piggott.
It was at the end of my BSA Woodbadge Training course and we were all in the lodge for the final wrap up. My patrol of David, Kevin, Brent and Nghi and myself were at a table right in the front. Our troop guide was the Amazing Steve Lum.
Mike went to the podium with a tall rectangular clear glass vase, set it down and said,
"Here is your life."
Then he put a several large rocks in the vase. They went to the top of the vase.
Then he said, "Can you fit more in your life?" He poured in a cup of pebbles.
"Can you put more in your life?" He poured in a cup of sand which drained in between the pebbles and said, "The rocks are you and your family. If you don't put them first, nothing fits right.
The gravel is your friends and relatives and if they don't come next, nothing fits right.
The sand is your scouting activities and you can do plenty but...
Go home and check on your rocks before you add pebbles or sand."
Mr. Kelley was my inspiration for my ten years as a scout leader. At our monthly roundtables
he would give the most inspiring speeches every month. He is the nicest man in the world.
So, I am always the first rock in the vase. How am I to take care of the other rocks, pebbles and sand if I don't always take care of myself first?
I can't. So I eat right, exercise and pray daily.
I want to be just like Mike.

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