The pre-production proof looked fabulous and we did a small 50 game order to get our feet wet.
It took forever because we did all the cutting and gluing and assembly to check it then and there.
We are doing the print run there at Woodinville.
We opened a Costco business account for business supplies but it turns out they didn't have Teyvek envelopes there. There is a business Costco on 99 that we will try next.
We did number crunching and came up with a new game cost of $11.75 for us with games, spinners postage etc. Connie says we need to stay at $24.99 until we have all the parts, envelopes and postage exact. I'm getting worried we can't sell much at that high of a price. That doesn't even include our labor of game assembly. I really want to lower the games to $19.99 but we might not sell enough to recoup the $2,500.00 we have both invested so far at either price. I'm getting kinda nervous about it.
Hot, tired can't think straight. It was only 90F today. Day before yesterday it was 103 which broke the all time high record! That was July 29th, 2009. 103 in Seattle Washington. Hard to believe!