Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pass The Test Ultrasound: Pass/Fail

I was distraught yesterday when I called Woodinville KINKOS and found out my hero, Darren Moler, was not going to work there anymore. I did not pry. I met him there and told him there would not be a game yet without him. I was heartbroken since he was why I went to there.
The game looked great and I dashed it to Steve to check specs for print. We were so happy!
Troy and I went to Bothell DOL. I could peek over the ledge and see CORRECT after CORRECT pop up as he took his knowledge test. He did terrific except for the "What to do when this happens" questions that accompany a half dozen photographs. He got to number sixteen and had missed six so the test shut down.
We were so sad. I asked him if my game was a waste of time. He said, "Without your game I would not have made it past the first three questions." The first part of the test was all on signs and rules and he knew all that. Then came the photographs of driving situations. Bleh.
Connie stopped by with iced teas with Anna and her friend from California. I was so upset I couldn't think. Just seeing Connie lowered my blood pressure and made me feel like the world was a good place to be in.
We checked the game for errors for what seemed to be the millionth time to me and found
I hate editing. I just like thinking up products to help people and selling. Selling is so fun!

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