Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8/11/09 Production Problems

Who would have thought that switching from 80 to 100 pound card-stock would create such folding difficulties for the game boards? 100 pound is the heaviest paper that can be run through the giant copy machines at the production facilities.
I just wanted it as strong as possible without going to the heavy traditional game boards. The whole point is to make it lightweight for teens that have backpacks full of heavy textbooks!
Connie got here at ten and we tried over and over and over again to make the boards
line up and not buckle the lamination. It was so frustrating!
The heavier paper kept buckling at the center where the boards connect overlapping a half inch. That made the expensive laminated tops bubble up! Finally we called Steve and he confirmed our suspicions that the heavier paper was the buckle culprit.
The only snag was we ruined a dozen in the process and can't sell them. We tried cutting a tiny triangle off at the very center of the bottom board where it connects and it worked! We were so exhausted after eight hours we couldn't go on.
We do have a long list of dignitaries like the governor and DOL director and the Seattle mayor we are sending samples to along with a few driving schools so we can use the imperfect games for those. I hope that my hero, DOL director Liz Luce, will put a link on her website to us.
We just like our governor, Chrisine Gregoire. I was hopping mad she jumped on Obama's bandwagon instead of Hilary Clinton's last summer but it turned out that she could see the handwriting on the wall and was one smart cookie!
I mean, black men got the vote a few decades before any women so why would I be surprised?
So, Terry and the kids got rained out at the ocean and came home two days early and my house is covered end-to-end with game parts. I was happy to see my little family!
I decided to invite my Roosevelt High School class of 1975 pals out for a bonfire this week-end.
At 52, most of us have parents dead or dying and our perspective is changing.
When you are young it seems like you'll have lots of time to do everything you want.
Your parents seem invincible. Then one day they are all gone. You look at the top of your husband's head and his hair is thinning on top. You lean over and see his expiration date is peeking through at you and realize that time is running out. Running out for time to love.
Running out for time to live. Running out to change the world.
Okay, so maybe I won't be able to end world hunger. Maybe I won't be able to fund free global birth control so no one ever suffers.
At least I will go out knowing that I tried very hard to start a business to help people learn.
I lived my dream to gain the wealth to make the world a better place and had a blast with Connie, the best business partner in the world.
So I'm having my RHS homies for a bonfire. I love them and have known many of them since we moved to North Seattle from South Seattle in 1966. I was ten and was in Girl Scouts and bamboo dancers at Bryant Elementary with some of these people and had a wonderful time in my age of innocence. I miss my mom. I miss my step-dad Lyle.

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