Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1/2/10 Groundhog's Day and The Talk*

*Dashes in and lies on brown leather couch*
Hi Mr. Blog,
Happy Groundhogs day! When I was working the red-eye flights from LA to Cleveland in '92
we would save the apples left on the plane and take them to our hotel.
It was around six am and dawn
and we'd huck the apples off our hotel balconies towards the bushes near the creek
and loads of small groundhogs would run out and grab them.
They would sit up like prairie dogs only they were so much cuter!
I'd never seen one before except Puxatwanny Phil on TV.
I wondered if I could get one for a pet they were so darn adorable.
So last night Terry told me he knew I'd gotten into the home equity account
and I told him I took out a bit for printing the game.
I had hoped to sell fast enough to replace the cash before he noticed
but it just didn't work out for me.
I thought he was gonna divorce my ass on the spot!
But I told him when Gin Latin goes global
the first thing I'm going to do is pay off the house.
He seemed happy about that.
He even peeled me an orange when he got back from the store AND put it in a bowl for me.
That is VERY significant.
I had folded and rolled games for twelve hours by then and was exhausted
and my arthritis was starting to make my fingers stiff.
I'm relieved he knows 'cause the guilt was killing me.
Just wish I could get this business going faster.
Well-time for another twelve hours of game board rolling!

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