Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/23/10 Kenmore City Council Meeting

*Walks in and lies down*
Hi Mr. Blog,
I'm just waiting for my coffee to kick in to get back to work on my taxes.
So last night I talked Terry into going with me to the city council meeting.
We went early so I could have my three minutes at the microphone first.
We met a nice reporter from the Northlake News and chatted before the council came in.
We know all of them since we have lived in Kookmore since 1990.
They all sat down and then the mayor looked at me and said, "Mrs. Kennedy, would you lead the flag salute?" Everyone stared at me since he was staring at me and so I turned in my chair and looked down the hall behind me. One of the council members said fairly loudly, "It's Nixon not Kennedy." Dave turned really red and said, "Oh, I had a senior moment. Mrs. Nixon, would you lead the flag ceremony?" Everyone laughed and Terry and I thought it was hysterical.
So I jumped up and led the Pledge of Allegiance and then we all sat down and I got
called up to read my letter. I had photocopies for the council members and the city clerk and manager and lawyer.
I only got through the first page of two in my three minutes before the red clock timer hit 0.
But they are all smart and can read it and be craving that river walk trail just like we do!
Before all the bridges washed out over the creek, we were down on that river every single day.
I was looking for Earl and Winston at the trailer park down the street last week and went
to the river and saw how beautiful it was and got in a frenzy to get a river walk trail again.
I could put my canoe on my wheeled cart and roll it right from my house!
So now I'm trying not to panic but it is really hard.
Terry told me last night he wants me to go back to work at the post office.
When I carried mail for ten years I was never late or absent and I was tied as faster mail sorter with JoAnn and the supervisors still harassed me half to death every day of my life there.
I still get nightmares about it and I left working there in 1987!
So he said that I need to make cash on Nixpix or pull the plug soon.
Then he went to get milk and I got requested to sub next week!
The teachers are so darn healthy that no one could make a living as a sub.
They give all the long term sub jobs to retired teachers who are already pulling down
full retirement and social security which forces any primary breadwinners to quit subbing if they are not retired teachers.
So I don't regret that I didn't go into teaching right out of college after high school.
I'd be retiring this year.
I met so many wonderful people when I carried mail and dug ditches and was a custodian and a flight attendant. I don't regret any of it because it was all very fun and interesting.
But, I do regret that Terry can't seem to cut me any slack and is beginning to sound like a postal supervisor to me. Well, I'm going to file a grievance!

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