Sunday, February 21, 2010

1/21/10 Tax Time/Texting/Cell Phones

*Walks in cheerfully and lies down*
Hi Mr. Blog, how are you today?
I've cheered up a bit from the blow of the RV show.
Took a few days to haul everything in from the van.
So Monday I put my selling table in the living room in front of the picture window
and fished out the form that H&R Block gave me last year to record business expenses
and I began the long tedious job of sorting two years worth of receipts
for my business start up.
It has been shockingly sunny all week and that helped my recovery greatly.
I'm not claiming anything on my taxes that I don't have a receipt for.
I look awful in orange so I'm not about to go to Federal prison for tax evasion.
I might be the only person that enjoys paying taxes I know.
I love the roads and bridges and services for the less fortunate that our taxes help pay for.
But, I hate wasteful spending and can get riled up over unnecessary taxes.
So a job was posted for the City of Kenmore for a custodial position I am applying for.
Our beautiful publics works building is very large and would take lots of effort to clean.
But I was a custodian for the Poncho and Bathhouse theaters in 1978 so
I know what is involved.
The pay starts at $3,000.00 a month!
Takes money to make money.
The snag is, last year when I applied for jobs at all the local businesses including a custodial
job I was told with five years of college that I was overqualified. Bleh.
So I'm a bit between a rock and a hard place.
Overqualified for blue collar jobs
and too old to get hired as a full time teacher!
I know the principals want teachers that can push the kids to success for thirty years
and the only thing I'll be pushing in thirty years is daisies from my grave.
Plus, our culture is a youth culture.
Madison Avenue does everything in its power to make American women think
that their value is based on an external rubric of physical beauty
and they spend billions in advertising this ideal of beauty
for the promotion of sales of the billion dollar
cosmetic and fashion industry.
Sad thing is, most young people fall into believing all this hogwash
and some older people too.
Thus making an older person like myself undesirable to look at by most people in
hiring authority.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!
I am one of the few people that prefers to converse with others my age or older.
And heaven forbid I try to have a conversation with anyone in their twenty or thirties!
I avoid them like the plague because they have these new
devices called cell phones that have managed to bring the level of American rudeness
to new heights!
I have cut short a few budding friendships because these people engage in a new activity
called texting in the middle of a conversation.
While less rude than talking on a cell phone during a visit
it is still the epitome of self-absorption and bad manners.
Technology, like televison, video games and cell phones
have lowered the levels of human bonding
by removing the need for companionable elocution.
I long for discourse with people that still value the spoken word.
Of conversations regarding global, regional and local issues
on all topics.
I think that is why I sometimes get lonely in my own home of four people.
Terry and the boys love television/video games and hate conversation.
So now I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed by my mountains
of chores and tax papers and job applications and everything else.
I'm going to remind myself to eat my elephant the way I ate the last hundred elephants,
one bite at a time.

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