Saturday, March 13, 2010

3/13/10 Just Say No to "Haterade"

*Walks in bouncily*
Good morning Mr. Blog! I popped right up like a piece of crispy toast this morning.
Full of hope.
Good thing I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday in bed when I felt poorly.
I would have never made it through an eight hour shift subbing if I hadn't rested up.
I was in one hateful mood last night but it popped like a balloon while I slept and now
I'm bursting with good cheer.
I can get mighty bitter about suffering through five years of college and not getting a cool job.
So this morning, when I went for my morning cuddle, Terry said the funniest thing to me.
He said, "Quit drinking so much Haterade." I laughed and laughed over that and he said Troy told him that saying from some Youtube or TV show.
Well that put me in a good mood for the day! Just say no to Haterade! Hahaha. I love that.
I have some many teen bodies strewn all over the living room that I STILL can't sort my
Port Angeles stuff so I decided to work on my downstairs bedroom.
It is a little slice of hot pink heaven.
It was originally a garage so the floor slopes up to the door and when you are sleepy
it feels like you had a drinky.
When we moved in it was light blue and I hired Al to paint it the color of the pink buildings
I saw in Saint Croix in 1983 when I applied to carry mail for the post office down there.
When I got there with Terri Dickinson, it was way too hot so I didn't go to the interview.
I did go to the interview I had scheduled next in Key West Florida
and got hired there. That's a sad story I don't want to think about right now.
So my room reminds me of staying at The Buccaneer Hotel in Saint Croix
and the sugar birds on our deck in the morning
and the calypso band that played in the great room every night.
Did you know they don't have windows there?! Imagine that. No windows!
All the buildings were bright yellow and and the Buccaneer was pink
so my room is too!
Someday, when Gin Latin goes global, I'm going to bulldoze this bus-barn to the ground and have a miniature Paradise Lodge put in. All logs and stuff but really small because
I mean, I only blather to you so long to get out of doing it.

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