Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/18/10 Why Get Up? / Hot Flashes/ St.Patrick's Day

*Walks in slowly and lies down*
Ugh Mr. Blog.
I wonder why I have been on an such and emotional roller coaster lately?
Do you think it's from menopause?
I haven't slept through the night since 2003.
That was a bad year.
One hot flash per hour every hour all night.
Now I only have two or three a night but it still sucks.
I felt hateful when I had to get out of my warm bed yesterday to go to work.
But I got to Lake Forest Park elementary and saw each table had leprechaun traps
baited with Sweet Tarts, play money, sea shells and other stuff and felt joyful.
Joyful to have four hours teaching young, fresh-faced, nine year olds.
all about Thomas Edison.
I didn't know he invented the submarine and electric cement mixer besides the light bulb.
No wonder I often do well on Cash Cab.
So after my morning shift I was sent down to fourth grade.
The teacher had a fraction lesson on a power-point set up on a laptop spooled through the wall-mount system that activates the projector on a electronic white board.
I was wishing Thomas Edison could walk in and take a look at that rig!
*Imagines that for a few minutes with him dressed in frock coat and top hat*
When the fourth graders came in from lunch it was so magical.
They sat down and I realized I knew every single one of them!
I had been their sub all through first, second and third grade.
We had a wonderful time together
and it wasn't until this morning that the dark mood began to descend.
I wanted that room to be my room.
Oh Mr. Blog.
Why can't the economy recover faster?
No teachers will ever retire until the economy recovers.
There is no job for me.
So I must change my attitude but I'm so sad that I won't get my own classroom.
No desk with cute junk on it. No closet to hang my coat.
No bright shining little faces look up at me all day
waiting to see which rabbit
I will pull out of my hat.

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