Sunday, March 28, 2010

3/28/10 Janet Joyce Lehde/AKA Strawberry/ Orange Kittens

*Bounces in merrily*
Hi Mr. Blog!
I only had ONE hot flash last night and I feel
like a million bucks.
I was dreaming that my sister Strawberry
was here for a visit and she walked in and saw the
stack of chick-flicks I bought across the street
at St. Vincent De Paul and she had a huge smile.
She is four years older than me and was like an extra mom
to me growing up. I've seen pictures of her around age
six with my other sister, Pam, taking care of me.
We weren't as close as I was with Pam and Pam was close
with both of us on a rotating basis since her age was
two years apart from both of us.
Strawberry was a great leader as a kid.
When she was ten, we'd get shipped to Oregon
to visit our real dad, Jim Lehde.
She would make sure we stayed together on the long ride
and I think we might have had a transfer in Oregon to get
to his places in Gearhart, Redmond, Bend and Seaside.
He owned and operated a newspaper called 'The Beach'
for the Seaside and Gearhart area from 1960 to whenever.
So Strawberry took care of us on all the trips. Great leader.
When we moved to the north end in 1966 she got involved
with the hippy movement that started in Seattle a few years
later. She had some new interesting friends and one,
Toni Radichi, taught me how to make love beads in 1969.
She also taught me daisy chains, stars and looming
which was a fun hobby for me for a decade until I got tired of it.
In 1969 when Strawberry turned eighteen, mom told her
she had to pay rent or move out.
They had a long talk and the next week, Strawberry
and Toni made a sign that said, CANADA, and left.
I was heartbroken because I loved my sister and I still do.
There were tons of hippies heading for British Columbia
back then and she and Toni fell in with them
and ended up around Sointula and Alert Bay British Columbia.
She has been there ever since much to my sorrow.
When she and Paul had my nephew Silas, it near killed me
that my only nephew lived so far away. He was the cutest
little boy in the world and is a fine, handsome man as a grown-up.
So, she comes down once a year or every other year and that's it.
I prayed for years she'd move back home and finally gave up.
So, I think my dream is a good sign Mr. Blog.
I think she will come down this summer.
Then we'll get to frolic around and watch chick flicks every night.
And go for walks and hop the bus to the Pike Place Market
and swim in the pool and shop at St Vinny's.
She is a GREAT cook except for some of that weirdo food she
makes with seaweed. Ugh. Brenda food.
So, I'm gonna pray about her coming down at church this morning.
It is so boring around here without here.
She is the most cheerful, pleasant, helpful, smart, caring, thoughtful,
creative, innovative, artistic person I ever met!
On to orange kittens Mr. Blog.
I know Earl and Winston have a nice home somewhere
and I have just had a big hole in my heart since
they got catnapped.
So, I'm praying about that at church this morning too.
I'm asking God to bring me three orange kittens.
Two boys and a girl.
I'll take very good care of them like I did Earl and Winston.
Get them licensed, chipped, collars, shots, flea medicine.
I may not get thirteen cloned babies to love
but I can get kittens.

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