Monday, March 29, 2010

3/20/10 The Utility Room From Hell & The Sad Story of Heidi Nixon

*Walks in cheerfully and lies down*
You should see my utility room Mr. Blog.
It could get a trophy for ugliest utility room in history.
There is junk from twenty years tossed in there.
Like old metal detectors and a trashed tent with
poles sticking out of the bottom of a black garbage sack.
I just cleaned it ten years ago too! Ugh.
Then when Lyle died seven years ago
some of his and mummy's yard stuff got tossed on top.
Well-guess who I ran into down the hall in the common room?
A friend of Connie's named Gretchen Ranicke-Fines.
Pronounced Finesses. You might remember her
from the Great Kitten Mix-Up. She saved Earl's life.
Turns out her specialty is cleaning and organizing
and she owns a business that does so.
She'll be here in a few hours to help me tackle
my utility room. I'll let you know how it goes.
So yesterday I went to church and I could not believe
I had forgotten it was Palm Sunday!!!
The kids were just carrying the palms in when I arrived.
I remember Troy and Teddy doing that when they were little.
I saw many women in the choir that I had met on the church retreat.
Gosh, they are such talented musicians! Pam, Robin and Yvonne.
Debbie led the youth group in a great Palm Sunday dramatization.
The first song, "Ain't No Rock Gonna Shout For Me"
made me want to jump up and dance!
I had to plant my butt on the pew to keep down.
Afterwards, I popped into Saint Vincent DePaul and looked for books
for me and Teddy and found a few. But the important thing
was I found new Easter stuff for Terry's sister Heidi.
Fifteen years ago she went on a vacation to Oregon
and missed a turn on a cliff.
She broke her back and was paralyzed from the waist down.
She was thirty years old.
So she has been living in nursing homes since then.
We visit her once a month or so and I like to make her holiday gifts.
So yesterday I found a darling new Easter basket and some
bunnies and eggs that I can fill with candy for her.
I is just so sad to see her so young living there.
It breaks my heart.
But on to a cheerier topic...
I went down to Third Place Books hoping to find and buy
the sequel to my new favorite book,
and you will never guess what Mr. Blog.
*Waits for him to guess*
There are like eight more books in the series!!!
Way back to Henry Huggins in 1964 when I found out
stories could even have sequels.
Oh, the joy of sharing my imagination with people I love
and finding out about their lives.
And, who in a million years would think of writing about
Botswana?! Alexander McCall-Smith, that's who.
He is my hero!
Funny that he is an old white man whose imagination
powers the soul of a middle-aged black woman!
So, thank God for Third Place Books
because they sell used books in mint condition
and I was able to buy the next five books
for a song.
I had run out of cash and had to charge the books
but it was an emergency situation.
I prefer reading to television
and when I'm on a series
you'd better look out.
I just want to know everything about Precious and her life.
Like when I went to that church retreat.
I was so eager to find out about the interesting stories
that everyone had and there were so real page-turners!
The books are short Mr. Blog so I can read one a day
if I go to bed at seven which I like to do on these rainy days anyway.
Well, thanks for listening.
*Looks over and sees he has nodded off in his chair*

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