Saturday, March 20, 2010

3/20/10 Eat Less Move More, Eat Less Move More, Eat Less Move More

*Bounces in and starts skipping around the office*
Good morning Mr. Blog!
Guess what?! I did it! I lost five pounds!
*lies down on couch*
I know it must sound ridiculous to be happy over losing five pounds,
but it took me three months to accomplish.
I had to eat less and move more.
It was horrible!!!
I vowed when I quit working as a flight attendant that I would never diet again.
I had to stay on 1,000 calories from 1982 through 1987 to get and stay at 130 pounds to get hired and then you know what they said? At 5'6" and 130 pounds, the interviewer, Christine said, "Do you think you can lose that last five pounds by training in two weeks?" Geez.
So enough about the past and on to the now now now.
If I am going to get Gin Latin to market in 2010 I must be in top shape.
At 53, I can start feeling the twinges here and there as
arthritis begins to look at me longingly
for a new place to live.
Once she moves in movements will be ouchy ouchy,
so I want to trim down for when doing my daily Jane Fonda tape is too painful.
Did I look silly skipping?
I know I did but
yesterday at Frank Love one of Penny's new customers,
Vanessa, seven, starting skipping back to our room and I couldn't help but join in!
Sunshine, daffodils and skipping are the essence of girlhood Mr. Blog.
Boys aren't designed for skipping.
They don't have the correct hip design.
It's a girl thang!
So, where was I?
Oh yeah. I lost five pounds. Big deal.
Well, you haven't been to my house Mr. Blog.
It is wallpapered with, "I lost five pound" ribbons from Weight Watchers!
I even got in a fight with my doctor that I needed a note saying my goal weight for Weight Watchers should be 155lbs one time. This young whipper-snapper doctor man telling me, "Well why don't you try to get to 140 pounds like they want you to. It should be easy!"
Dumb-ass. I had socks older than that kid.
Well, I read him the riot act and he wrote me a note that said because of my medical condition I should have my life-time weight goal at 155lbs. I can imagine what he really wanted to write.
"This crazy bitch refuses to eat less and move more and threatened to kill me if I didn't write her a note for your ridiculous program." Signed, Dr. Smart-ass.
So today I woke up at 155lbs for the first time in two years. I sat at 165lbs for ages because I refused to eat less. We don't call ourselves, "The Pigsons" for nothing Mr. Blog!
My new diet is like my airline diet. Cereal and milk for breakfast with a banana,
Anything I want for lunch in mass quantities up to 1,000 calories
and water for dinner and an orange if I think I can go in the kitchen and get one
without making a loaf of toast with butter and jam.
One of my favorite Weight Watcher teachers said one time,
"No food tastes as good as thin feels."
Isn't that a cute saying???
I think it is.
But I don't care about being thin Mr. Blog.
I just want the mobility to get my groove on!
I just want to sub every day until school lets out for cash, cash, cash!
I just want to get Gin Latin printed so I can sell, sell, sell!

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