Sunday, May 16, 2010

5/14/10 Playground Spirit Quest at Meadowbrook Elementary

*Walks in and flops down*
Hi Mr. Blog, how are you?
My original lesson plan went fine this afternoon and the
weather was perfect for it.
Yesterday I read the fourth graders some books
about totem poles and told them
all about Native American Spirit Quests.
Well the Indians didn't put their individual quest animals
on totem poles and I explained to the kids that we
were mixing different elements of native life
and they were cool with that.
When they went to PE, I asked them to think about
their physicality while there and what animals they might
want to have enter them in spirit form.
When I picked them up for PE, I showed them the
construction paper totem pole I had made from my
spirit quest. An owl on top for the wisdom I
cherish and seek and an orca for the freedom to explore
and be in the water and a butterfly for the cheer
I usually feel inside myself most of the time.
When I took the kids outside it was probably the funniest thing
I have ever seen in my life.
I felt like a mom with twenty-five children!
They were running, jumping, hibernating, fighting and pretending
to fly all over the luscious green playground in the bright sun.
Twenty-five little voices were shouting at me from everywhere
at the same time, "LOOK AT ME MRS. NIXON!"
It was so wild you wouldn't have believed it if you saw it
Mr. Blog! I just laughed and laughed at those silly kids.
I really couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried.
After fifteen minutes, I rounded up my little charges
and got them back into their classroom.
They made stinking cute little totem poles
from brown construction paper
and glued them on light blue paper.
I was so cuted out I could barely stand it!
I stapled them out in the hall
and I hope their regular teacher doesn't mind.
I only used one staple so she could pull them off in
one minute if she didn't want them up.
Teachers are really freaky about their bulletin boards
and there is no consistency what soever regarding wall art.
Some teachers thrive on putting stuff up
and others just hate, hate, hate putting up anything.
Go figure.

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