Sunday, May 23, 2010

5/22/2010 Terry:This is Your Life, Turning 50

*Drags in and flops on couch*
It's so nice that you are here on days I feel poopy Mr. Blog.
Stupid cold.
This morning Terry finished his book that Steve McDannel got him
for his birthday. He was waxing poetic and acting all
kumbayaa and everything and I was really happy for him.
I had read the review on, "The Shack" a few weeks
ago and wishing I had cash for it cause is sounded really good.
Two months ago, Terry started getting really depressed.
I knew as a young man he wanted to be an airline pilot
and was even in the Civil Air Patrol as a teenager.
One person in that class was going to earn a full scholarship to
flight school and he got the second highest score.
Good, but not good enough to win the scholarship.
And his dream and aspirations died that day.
Very sad.
So anyway, two months ago he started talking about
turning fifty and getting more and more depressed.
He said at forty, you know your life is half over
but at fifty, you know you are going downhill.
Well yeah, Mr. Blog.
We are all going to die.
So I asked him if a party would help
because I noticed that he kept saying how much he missed
his old Ellensburg High School and WSU friends.
Well Mr. Blog.
People grow up and have families and move away.
That's what happens.
So he told me he didn't want a party and I immediately ignored
his wishes and started plotting a fiftieth birthday party
that would cheer him up.
I spent two weeks analyzing my husband and his deepest desires.
Then I typed up a flyer that said this:
Surprise Party for Toby
By a turn of shocking events, Terry got old
Come help him celebrate his fiftieth birthday
He is really blue and is it because:
A He has rowdy teenagers?
B He has an unemployed wife?
C He is starting his twenty-fifth year at the post office?
D All of the above?
There is only one way to find out!
Then I gave the date of May 22nd and the information for the party.
I dug around for addresses of all his old friends that he misses everyday. And I called his baby brother Ed's girlfriend and got her address and asked her to drag him down.
By a lucky turn of events Mr. Blog, Terry ended up scheduling Troy for his driving section of his driver's license that day! When he told me I had to take him because he had to work that day I made up some lame excuse that I couldn't do it. He was forced to use a day of vacation leave and planned to get a case and go but then decided to just take the day off. Hahahaha!
Now THERE is a miracle for you Mr. Blog!
So for a week before the party I had the excuse that I was planning a party to celebrate Troy getting his driver's license. I told him even if Troy flunked we had to eat anyway.
Now it is a rare day that being married to a clueless person is advantageous,
but this was certainly one of them!!!
I happily hauled in cakes and steaks and baked beans
and made potato salad and stacked up bags of chips and corn on the cob
and Terry NEVER noticed a thing.
He just thought I was being a good mom.
As if.
When Saturday rolled around and he went out to his lawn chair
at two, it didn't seem odd to him that is his step-brother Seth
and his girlfriend Kathryn would stop by at three.
We all sat in the yard until five and then came up to the
deck at five and had sodas and chips.
A small SUV pulled in and Terry got up and looked down in our
parking lot and said, "Hey, it's Todd and Theresa from Ellensburg.
That's nice, they must be on their way to Vashon to see her mom."
So Todd and Theresa came up on the deck and and just
happened to have two half racks of Bud, but Terry
still doesn't notice anything odd.
Well, at five-thirty, his college friend, Steve McDannel, pops in
and the jig was up. Steve got married and started a family ten years ago
and the last time we saw him was at his wedding!
They live clear down in Auburn Mr. Blog!
Soon after that Ed and Robin and Deano
and John and Karen all arrived and we had a wonderful
bar-b-que and ate out on the deck. Even his frat brother
Kris Lindor and his brother John stopped by on their way home to
Mount Vernon from visiting their family in Bend Oregon!
We hadn't seen them for about ten years either.
Everyone got along fine and
there were no fights or arguments.
Todd and Theresa were sleeping over and after
everyone took off at ten-thirty
we walked across the street to Mazatlan
Mexican restaurant and got a nice table in
the bar. There were only eight other people
there so Terry got to sing kareoke right away.
He sang me his favorite Elvis Pressley love songs,
"All Shook Up and My Little Teddy Bear."
He's a pretty awful singer Mr. Blog
but after ten years of kareoke, he is finally starting
to stay on key occasionally.
It's torturous to listen to most of the singers
but I had one margarita so my tolerance
rose to meet the occasion.
We left when they shut down at two AM
and walked across the highway home.
We were laughing and talking and Theresa
and I were arm-in-arm.
She is the most delightful person I ever met Mr. Blog.
Plus I noticed she had had about ten beers and although
she has an amazing tolerance to booze,
I was still a little concerned she might fall down.
Shocking as it may sound,
coming from the old lady that likes to go to bed
at seven PM and read for three hours,
we talked until three AM!
So Terry's fiftieth birthday
ended up a twelve hour affair.

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